Yes, that is expected. As the emulator core evolved, savestate format changed as well and old savestate files becomed incompatible.
It's impossible for me to keep support for all preexisting format, mainly because they stored data that are now non-existant or are now missing vital stuff for state restoring. However, i try to keep support for at least previous version, so 1.6.0 should be compatible with 1.5.0 savestates, 1.5.0 with 1.4.1... and so on.
Also, with the add of sg-1000, sms & gg support, saves (as well as cheat,s screenshots) files were indeed moved from /genplus/saves directory to /genplus/saves/xx directory for each emulated system.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2012 01:28PM by ekeeke.