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Mega Merged System Menu 4.0 thread (aka "is it done yet?")

Posted by IHackYou 
Re: Mega Merged System Menu 4.0 thread (aka "is it done yet?")
April 17, 2009 12:42AM
If the Homebrew channel doesn't install on a 4.0 virgin wii Mabey we could use this way!!
Wad manager 1.3 does work on an 4.0 wii. And Waninkoko just made Wad Creator. If someone make's an WAD from the Homebrew channel and a virgin 4.0 loads Wad manager 1.3 and instals the wad from the hombrew channel...

My question is, how do you get WAD Manager on a Wii that doesn't have homebrew installed and never has?

He has updated the BannerBomb video description:
This is a PREVIEW of an exploit in the system menu that comex found that will let us run custom code on an UN MODDED WII , which means we can basically set up homebrew on a wii without twilight princess, or even a dvd drive. It's just a channel on an SD card. Currently it is just set up to load the HBC but more will come soon.
Looks like all they need to figure out is how to get an installer to work...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2009 12:46AM by BrendanN.
Re: Mega Merged System Menu 4.0 thread (aka "is it done yet?")
April 17, 2009 04:35AM
You would be able to run WAD manager using Comex's hack
April 16, 2009 04:56PM
Does anyone know when Conix planes to releace this hack?
Re: BannerBomb
April 16, 2009 04:58PM
There is an topic for this
Re: BannerBomb
April 16, 2009 08:25PM
And it's Comex
Re: BannerBomb
April 16, 2009 09:08PM
And it's Comex
I didn't even see that, noob but I don't put this here to big cos I'm also one:P
Re: Mega Merged System Menu 4.0 thread (aka "is it done yet?")
April 17, 2009 02:56PM
wil someone please delete the help out comex stiky post or edit it so it wil link to this one?
System menu 4 downgrade
April 04, 2009 03:42PM

I was going to install the homebrew channel last week but then I wasn't aware that menu system 4 wouldn't allow you to install it.
So I updated to 4.0. Now that I found these forum post I saw you couldn't install it on 4.0 and I didn't try either.

So does anyone know how I could install Homebrew on 4.0 or downgrade from 4.0 to 3.* without homebrew already installed?
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 04, 2009 04:10PM
Wait for a new exploit to be released or create your own. Also, feel free to help comex test his exploit.
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 04, 2009 04:17PM
Is there any release date for the new exploit or is there a rough date?
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 04, 2009 04:25PM
When its done.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2009 04:27PM by Arikado.
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 04, 2009 05:33PM
Do you have any info on about how much has been done?
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 04, 2009 05:38PM
Team Twiizers found one. I believe that they've gotten something (like a save file) to use it that works. It will probably be released as another savegame exploit.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2009 05:39PM by Arikado.
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 04, 2009 07:41PM
Could I installing homebrew by updating my wii using this update?
Wankys Upgrader

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2009 07:52PM by Arikado.
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 04, 2009 07:46PM
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 05, 2009 12:06PM
Does anyone know what game they will use for the hack?
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 05, 2009 06:38PM
Yeah I would like to know that too.
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 16, 2009 06:02PM
i would just be happy if insted of every one saying wait for the new exploit just answer his (and every one else with a virgin 4.0 wii ie: mine) question

How do we downgrade our wii from 4.0?
Re: System menu 4 downgrade
April 17, 2009 08:19PM
i would just be happy if insted of every one saying wait for the new exploit just answer his (and every one else with a virgin 4.0 wii ie: mine) question

How do we downgrade our wii from 4.0?

I think all developers are more interesting in how to make a new installer for HBC. As far i know the bannerbomb can run powerpc code on system menu 4, and they are completing some tests. But for the hbc it will be useless unless they find a new installer.

Lets hope someone with a pure hearth discover a way to downgrade to 3.3 using bannerbomb or something else.
Re: Mega Merged System Menu 4.0 thread (aka "is it done yet?")
April 17, 2009 08:34PM
Anyone know about the homebrew without zelda torrent? havent been able to find any info on it
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