Need advice for installing Patchmii and StartPatch Please
February 27, 2010 02:24AM
Hey all this is a long post but I have a lot of questions cause I don't want a brick and I want to be sure I know what I am doing so please bear with me on this one. I really appreciate the time you put into reading this and responding, it is of great help to me and I am very greatful. I know this topic has some touchy words in it but I got permission from admin to post it before putting it up so it is okay. So here is the situation.

I have completed my part of the Saved Game Downloader app I am working on, and I need to get the saves off my Wii so I unfortunately cannot wait for the SGM Mod any longer. It was reccomended on the forums to install Tona's cIOS Patchmii rev05 along with the StartPatch or SGM. After looking over StartPatch it looks like something I would really like to have but I have some questions first.

With Patchmii I need to rename the .dol file to boot.dol and add a xml and png file to a folder and then execute it and that will install it right? Does it matter that I have already TBR'ed IOS 36, I ask cause it says it downloads and patches IOS36 to install the clone of 249. Also is there a list of options to select and in what order like with TBR so I do not mess up the installation? I am on 4.2 so do I have to install Patchmii twice, once to remove the stub and once to install patchmii, or just once? Lastly for Patchmii, as far as NAND modifying apps go is this one relatively safe or does it have a bad record, and do you think I am capable of installing it okay?

As for StartPatch it says that I need a cIOS with rev12 or higher to install, but Tona's Patchmii says rev05 so will StartPatch work with it or not?
^EDIT: The app is Sigh Check and I do have Trucha on IOS 36 along with ES Identify so the Trucha quetion is answered so that just leaves the question about the revisions being compatible for this section on StartPatch.

Do I need Pre/Priiloader installed to run StartPatch, there was something mentioned about it but I thought it sounded like they had issues with each other not needed each other, but I want to be clear before doing this as I do not want a brick? Lastly I would like to have all the options that StartPatch offers, but I would settle for Save Game Manager if I had to. Comparing the risk of the install of this app with the benefits it gives, is this app worth it? I already have a way of blocking updates, (a drivechip I turned off so as not to interfer with these updates/patches); but the other options sound cool. I guess I am asking how risky is this app relatively speaking for a NAND modifying app, and how is its trackrecord? Think I am capable of installing this one okay too?

Lastly, any advice, ideas, questions I should have asked, things I need to know, ANYTHING related to these two apps before installing them. I really want to go into this well informed and prepared so as to have the best chance for sucess.

I already put the system and tv on a 47 min, @ this loadout w/4ms switchover, battery backup just in case of power failure, and even though Bootmii is installed as an IOS because it cannot be as boot2 on this Wii I have a NAND backup made as well. I would install Priiloader but as I said above I believe it and startpatch have issues, unless I misread and it needs it. Is there anything else I can do to be prepared?

Okay that is it, I would greatly appreciate any answers/advice, full or partial. I am sorry for this being so long but I have a lot of questions and just want to be prepared. I am sure others will find this informative too. Thank you greatly in advance to those that help. If there is every anything I can do for you please let me know. Have a good evening. Talk to you later.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2010 04:10AM by elmoreas.
Re: Need advice for installing Patchmii and StartPatch Please
February 27, 2010 07:36AM
I thought you already installed Priiloader, which provides the same features (and more) that StartParch does. If you have Priiloader, you can't install StartPatch without removing Priiloader first. Anyway, if you don't have Priiloader but you are going to install it, forget about StartPatch. Having them both is pointless. However, if you don't have use for Priiloader other than system menu patches, StartPatch may be a better choice.

cIOS Patchmii Installer should work fine with StartPatch. However, I am not sure whether it will work on newer (LU64+) wiis. There is no way that installing cIOS will brick or cause any other harm to your wii, but if your wii is newer, this cIOS may not work. If you have the stub IOS 249 from the 4.2 update, you will have to run the cIOS Patchmii Installer twice.

I haven't used StartPatch myself, but it should be obvious what to do when you run the program. Just launch it through the Homebrew Channel like any other program and select which patches you would like. The risk of it bricking your wii is extremely low, to the point that you don't need to worry about it at all.
Re: Need advice for installing Patchmii and StartPatch Please
February 27, 2010 09:18AM
No I was considering installing Priiloader but I changed my mind at the last second cause I got interested in StartPatch and cIOS Patchmii. What do you mean it will not work in newer (LU64+) Wii's? My Wii's serial number starts with LU66. So does that mean CIOS Patchmii will not work on it? If not what other options do I have to install/patch/clone IOS249 so that StartPatch and or Save Game Manager will work. Thanks for your help and advice. Have a good one.


EDIT: ANYONE? Please... Will Patchmii work on my Wii LU66 or not? and if not what other IOS options do I have to get StartPatch installed? Please guys I know there are those of you out there that know the answer to these questions. Did I do something to make you all mad. Please guys help me.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2010 05:34PM by elmoreas.
Re: Need advice for installing Patchmii and StartPatch Please
February 27, 2010 07:29PM
New wiis can't run old (pre October 23 2008) IOSes. cIOS Patchmii Installer was made before that, so if I'm not mistaken, it will patch and install an old IOS. It probably won't work on your wii, but I'm not sure. You can certainly try it. The worst that could happen is it will act like the stub you already have. The other cIOS that could be used is primarily used for piracy, so it is not supported here. It also is not necessary, since you could use StartPatch Mod which lets you choose the IOS for it to run on.

Since you have use for it, you should either install Priiloader, or StartPatch Mod (have StartPatch Mod run on IOS 36, of course). Either one will work fine on your wii, and there is nothing more you need to know in order to use it. Neither will brick your wii.
Re: Need advice for installing Patchmii and StartPatch Please
February 27, 2010 08:24PM
Really that is GREAT to hear. So I should use StartPatch Mod and since I have verified that IOS is Trucha Buged just have it install on it and I can avoid that horrible 249 altogether... That is awesome. I didn't want 249 in the first place because of piracy and the fact that I am so against it. I had asked Arikado for that SGM Mod just to avoid having to use 249 cause of the piracy implications but time got to tight on me and I needed to move so I was trying to find a fix but this is great to hear. I will look into this. Thank you so much. Sorry to be a bother about this I guess I should just shut up and wait next time. I am sorry. Talk to you all later. Have a good day.

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