What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 25, 2010 04:19PM
I've seen that you're able to download almost every video game emulator up till N64 and PSX. What is the quality like for these emulators (i.e. graphically, frame-rate,etc.)? And is there much of a games selection? For example, are there roms of GoldenEye 007 or Banjo-Kazooie? Is it possible to use the GameCube and Classic Controller for roms, and are there any FPS's that support WiiMotes? Thanks a lot!
Re: What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 25, 2010 04:27PM
Please help me [forum.wiibrew.org]
Re: What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 25, 2010 04:42PM
Please help me [forum.wiibrew.org]

Er... can't help you. Sorry...
Re: What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 25, 2010 04:45PM
Who can someone please!
Re: What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 25, 2010 04:57PM
Please help me [forum.wiibrew.org]

Who can someone please!

Bad spam is bad.
Re: What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 25, 2010 05:05PM
Please help me [forum.wiibrew.org]

Who can someone please!

Bad spam is bad.

I'm desperate did you read my first post
Re: What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 25, 2010 05:13PM
Please don't invade other people's topics. You post a topic, which, by the way, contains far too little information for anyone to provide a useful answer, and already expect someone to give you an answer? It has not even been an hour and a half since you posted!

If you want an answer, you should improve the description of the problem in your own topic and wait for someone to respond to it. Invading other people's topics is more likely to get you banned than get you a solution.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2010 05:18PM by jbc007.
Re: What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 25, 2010 05:27PM
Th3Blaze: You're permanently banned from our forum for invading topics irrelevant to yours to post begging for help. On the WiiBrew Forums, we don't put up with nonsense like this and act immediately upon it.

Dark_Wolf101: The WiiSX and Wii64 emulators run every ROM at full speed with the exception of about 1 or 2 which either don't boot at all or run really slow. Just try the emulators for yourself.
Re: What's the deal EMULATORS?
April 26, 2010 05:34AM
Thanks again Arikado.
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