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Wii Update 4.3

Posted by Arikado 
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 26, 2010 05:03PM
OK, I must have misunderstood. Sorry. Which means it may not be possible to fix an Error 003 with a disc with 4.3K.

Managed to find the post, and yeah, I didn't remember correctly. So it probably wont be possible to fix Error 003 that way.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 26, 2010 05:26PM
Could you share the post with me, SifJar?

Also, I've tested (as legally as possible) and checked that there is a tmd.bin inside a game's update partition. Does that mean there might be a chance for the system menu to check the region of the update, too? Just as it does while booting the proper game.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 26, 2010 09:02PM
Sure here it is: [hackmii.com] discussion of semi and full bricks from out-of-region updates. Dunno how much has been learnt since then though, its a reasonably old post.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 26, 2010 11:19PM
FYI, HackMii Installer has been updated for 4.3 : [hackmii.com] Enjoy =D
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 12:48AM
SifJar, I checked the new hackmii, but I was confused about this:

"Ability to not reload IOS when launching an application.
This effectively means that loaded applications inherit the title id, gaining direct hardware access via HW_AHBPROT.
To use this feature, add ? to the node in your meta.xml file.
wiiloaded binaries automatically gain direct hardware access.
libogc SVN (starting with r4166) has been extended for this feature. DI_Init() will detect if an application has been launched this way, and DVD access should just work without any changes to your code."

Could you explain me this better? It's only advantage is to replace Dvdx?
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 05:34AM
This is great something I will need to do in the next few nights, can't wait to see the new HBC look. Going to try the online update through the HBC and see if it will work that way. So with it saying dvdx is dead does that mean that dvdx is no longer useable, and I will not be bale to use mplayer ce and have to go with wii mc? If so I may need to get help with that in another post I have done some reasearch and reading but still haveing a hard time understanding it.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 07:50AM
so now that the new stuff is out, can someone give me a tutorial step by step how to download it please?
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 08:14AM
so now that the new stuff is out, can someone give me a tutorial step by step how to download it please?
Go to [bootmii.org] and download the latest HackMii Installer.
Put the "boot.elf" file on your SD card.
Run either Indiana Pwns or Smash Stack.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 08:20AM
so thats the only thing I need on my sd card? Just the bootelf, I can leave everything else off. And I want the homebrew browser as well, do I need to download anything extra for that?
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 08:26AM
For the Homebrew Browser see here: [www.codemii.com]
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 08:32AM
Ok thanks so much, now I just need to get one of the games
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 01:53PM
Hi guys, I am over the moon about the new release.

Can someone please make a installation guide about this.

Was hackmii installer 0.7 updated or is it still the same the the "no vulnerable ios".

Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 02:39PM
I have successfully installed HBC on SM 4.3E. Thanks guys.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 02:50PM
SifJar, I checked the new hackmii, but I was confused about this:

"Ability to not reload IOS when launching an application.
This effectively means that loaded applications inherit the title id, gaining direct hardware access via HW_AHBPROT.
To use this feature, add ? to the node in your meta.xml file.
wiiloaded binaries automatically gain direct hardware access.
libogc SVN (starting with r4166) has been extended for this feature. DI_Init() will detect if an application has been launched this way, and DVD access should just work without any changes to your code."

Could you explain me this better? It's only advantage is to replace Dvdx?

Basically, what loading the DVDX channel did before was set a register called HW_AHBPROT to allow full hardware access e.g. access to disc drive for playing DVDs. This was done in apps by calling the function DI_Init(). However, now TT have decided to remove support for DVDX, and make it so HBC can (if the correct tag is added to the meta.xml) load an app with the register set correctly without needing DVDX, and then DI_Init() will make it so the app can play DVDs.

Essentially, its a straight replacement for DVDX, they both do exactly the same AFAIK. However, DVDX was never really utilised fully, as having the register set to allow hardware access means you can disable MEM2 protection and patch the currently running IOS temporarily with any sort of patch (e.g. remove signature checking). And this will allow that too I think.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 03:28PM
Can someone please tell me which apps to you for loading DVD and which meta file to add the node to?

Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 03:40PM
ATM, none use the new method. For now, you'll need to install IOS202 and use either MPlayer CE or WiiMC (both can use IOS202 to play DVDs). You'll first need to install an IOS that accepts fake signatures. Use dop-Mii, and on the first menu choose "Install an IOS that accepts fake signatures". Then run the IOS202 installer (you can get it from [www.wiimc.org])
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 03:50PM
thanks SifJar but I am having another problem with [fail]. Which one should I install and when can I download it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2010 05:32PM by SifJar.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 04:27PM
I was using [fail] using ios version 249 before i updated my system menu to 4.3. No 249 does not work anymore but I was able to find out that 250 works perfectly as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2010 05:32PM by SifJar.
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 05:25PM
Basically, what loading the DVDX channel did before was set a register called HW_AHBPROT to allow full hardware access e.g. access to disc drive for playing DVDs. This was done in apps by calling the function DI_Init(). However, now TT have decided to remove support for DVDX, and make it so HBC can (if the correct tag is added to the meta.xml) load an app with the register set correctly without needing DVDX, and then DI_Init() will make it so the app can play DVDs.

Essentially, its a straight replacement for DVDX, they both do exactly the same AFAIK. However, DVDX was never really utilised fully, as having the register set to allow hardware access means you can disable MEM2 protection and patch the currently running IOS temporarily with any sort of patch (e.g. remove signature checking). And this will allow that too I think.

So, it's aimed at the devs, removing the need of coding something to have access to dvdx, since the same dvd function now is enabled automatically?

But what's with the "title id"? Does reloading an IOS means you have to load another title id, so the register from HBC is lost? Is this similar to that Priiloader talk we had, where reloading the system menu IOS would make it lose its privilegies?
Re: Wii Update 4.3
July 27, 2010 05:35PM
Aobx: Yeah its more of interest for devs. And I think reloading IOS will make the Wii realise HBC isn't running anymore or something, and then the flags on the register are reset.

abiodun110: That tool is not supported here as it is mainly used for installing pirated VC/WW games. As such, you won't get any support on using it here, and I ask you don't mention it please.
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