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Installation freezes at disclaimer screen (YU-GI-OH 5D)

Posted by mowgli 
Installation freezes at disclaimer screen (YU-GI-OH 5D)
September 19, 2010 02:45PM
Hello everyone,

This is my first time trying to install HomeBrewChannel and this is my first time posting in this forum so please, be patient with me :). I've browsed through the topics and didn't find any solution to my problem so here it goes:

I have a Wii running version 4.3E and a original copy of YU-GI-OH 5D Wheelie Breaker. In my SD card I only have the necessary files which are:

- boot.elf del HackMii Installer v0.8
- YU-GI-OWNED exploit.

When trying to install HBC I follow the steps in wiibrew wiki. Everything goes smoothly until I reach the disclaimer/"you've been scammed" screen that says "press 1 to continue" at the bottom. I press 1 but nothing happens ... no next screen no matter how long wait.

¿Anyone knows whay the problem might be?

Muuchas gracias.
Re: Installation freezes at disclaimer screen (YU-GI-OH 5D)
September 20, 2010 04:06PM
Si te sale la pantalla del instalador de HackMii, quiere decir que el problema no está con el exploit de YuGi. Es decir, que hasta ese punto todo lo anterior ha funcionado correctamente. De por si la pantalla del disclaimer tarda varios segundos en mostrar el mensaje de presione 1 para continuar, pero si lo que dices es que aun despues de desplegado el mensaje no sucede nada al presionar 1, eso quiere decir que el problema debe estar con la sincronizacion de tu Wiimote.

1) Verifica si al momento de desplegarte el mensaje de presionar 1 la luz indicadora del wiimote esta encendida para el jugador 1. Si no lo esta, intenta presionando 1 hasta que se encienda.

2) Si no logras que la luz de jugador 1 se encienda, entonces la sincronizacion de tu wiimote está fallando. Intenta re-sincronizarlo desde el Menu del Wii, de preferencia utilizando la sincronizacion por hardware: Presiona el boton rojo que se encuentra justo al lado de la entrada de tarjeta SD en la consola, e inmediatamente al hacerlo, presiona el boton rojo que se encuentra en el wiimote en el interior del compartimiento de las baterias.

Espero que esto sea suficiente para ayudarte a poder instalar el Homebrew Channel en la Wii :)


If you are getting the HackMii installer screen, it means that the problem is not with the YuGi exploit. In other words, until that point everything you did before has worked well. It is normal for the disclaimer screen to take several seconds in displaying the message of pressing 1 to continue, but if you are saying that even after showing it nothing happens when you press 1, it means that the problem must be with your Wiimote synchronization.

1) Verify if at the time the message of pressing 1 is displayed the light indicator in your wiimote is on for player 1. If it isn't, try pressing 1 again until it lits.

2) If you can't get the player 1 light to turn on, then your Wiimote might not be well synchronized. Try re-synchronizing it from the Wii Menu, preferently using the hardware syncronization: Press the red button located right to the side of the SD card slot in your Wii, and just after doing so, press the red button located in your wiimote inside the battery compartment.

I hope this would be enough in order to help you to install HBC in your Wii :)
Re: Installation freezes at disclaimer screen (YU-GI-OH 5D)
September 22, 2010 06:42AM
Dude Axel, you should work on the Espa~nol version of Wiibrew, make it more Spanish world friendly :-D
Re: Installation freezes at disclaimer screen (YU-GI-OH 5D)
September 22, 2010 09:05AM
I have the same problem, but I already had HBC 1.06 installed. For some strange reason, the ONLY place where the Wiimotes (tried two) do not want to work is in the HackMii Installer 1.08 (either using Indiana Pwns or the updater in HBC 1.06)

Any ideas?
Re: Installation freezes at disclaimer screen (YU-GI-OH 5D)
September 27, 2010 02:48AM
Try a gamecube controller maybe?
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