Please reply
September 27, 2010 07:48AM
I need to know this!!!! Is there any way to get rid of homebrew and have a regular wii (well at least able to update without the worry of bricking) WITHOUT FORMATTING MY WII
Re: Please reply
September 27, 2010 08:51AM
You can update to the latest version of HBC then update to 4.3 and its fine, though you will need to reinstall HBC for it to regonize IOS 58( for use on USB 2.0 speeds). There is no benifits to going to 4.3. I am still on 4.2, they say 4.1 is the better one to stay on. If you don't want to update you don't have to, if you want to update and not use HBC then update to 4.3 it won't brick. What system menu version on you on? you can stay on it more than likely, get IOS 58(if you want to make use of the usb 2.0 speed if not don't worry about it), If you don't want to use IOS 58 then just update HBC to the latest version, and keep rocking.
Re: Please reply
September 27, 2010 04:35PM
I have system version 4.2 so I can keep homebrew and not be bricked correct?
Re: Please reply
September 27, 2010 10:02PM
Correct, but make sure to first update your HBC to its latest version before you update your WiiMenu to 4.3. This way it won't be remoed by the update.
Re: Please reply
September 28, 2010 12:15AM
Though if he wants to make use of IOS 58 he will need to reinstall HBC. He could after updateing HBC get the IOS 58 installer, install IOS 58, reinstall HBC and stay on 4.2 or then update to 4.3. Might make it easier to reinstall HBC in 4.2 with the hackmii installer than trying in 4.3. Just a thought.
Re: Please reply
September 28, 2010 01:48AM
Re: Please reply
September 28, 2010 03:56AM
Not a problem, need any more help let us know.
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