Some time ago I cracked my wii to play some homebrew. I've got the latest version of bootMii and wiichannel. I've also made a NAND backup. Now I'd like to use wii shop channel again but to do so i need to update my wii. Is this safe or will I end up with a bricked wii? My version of OS is 3.3E
Kind Regards
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2011 10:46AM by Freddeboden.
If you have the latest version of HBC and don't have any dumb stuff or downgraded you can safely update to 4.3. If you want to make use of the usb 2.0 support, get the IOS 58 installer run it through HBC, get the latest hackmii installer run in HBC install the latest HBC so it will regonize IOS 58 and then update.