Just wanted to post the setup that I just got working today.
Wii Console Ver. 3.4U (I assume the U is for United States?)
HomeBrew Channel Ver. 1.0.1
IOS36 V12.18
Twilight Hack RVL-RZDE-0A-0
ScummVW 0.12.0
Gecko OS app 1.07
I tried both "The Curse Of Monkey Island" and "Day Of The Tentacle", both worked perfectly, no lag, full dialog, full music. I set the saved gave path to the top ScummVM folder for both games. That's the only setting I changed.
I am going to go buy a bigger SD card and try a bunch more this weekend and I'll post what I got working.
Also, I ran Gecko OS app 1.07 from the HomeBrew channel and successfully played a PAL import Wii disc game! I bought the game "Lucky Luke - Go West" a while back in hopes that I would get this working, the default Gecko that game with the HomeBrew Channel pack did not work. Downloading the (re)packaged 1.07b and replacing that worked. At first I didn't realize you could change some of the settings on the Gecko app, so when the game ran, the V-Hold was all out of wack. Then I restarted and changed settings and set the NTSC patch to YES and it worked! Played perfectly!
Thanks for this! HomeBrew Channel is made of %100 AWESOME!