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Bricked Wii Boot/IOS

Posted by kisslaya 
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 27, 2010 05:35AM
wow...im so damn lucky...i never installed darkcorp!

so now do i still have to use jbc's instructions or am i fine as it is...?

Great, either uninstall/downgrade IOS 70 or update to 4.3 and you are good to go.

and also, y is nand recover with bootmii/ios dangerous?

If it fails for any reason (something wrong with the NAND backup or SD card, power failure, random restore failure), the wii will not boot. This is not an issue with Bootmii/boot2 because it would still run after a failed NAND restore.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 27, 2010 03:43PM
but hmm...

i did downgrade so if im not wrong it still did install some extra or patched ios's will that effect in anyways or can i continue the update with
nintendos updater...?

i read on the homebrew wiki, that 4.3 update deletes hbc, and all other hacked programs...
also, on this video the person is shown restoring a nand backup with bootmii/ios..any comments about it?

and plz i realy need to know if the 4.3 update through nintendo is alright for me, and that it will delete hbc and bootmii...

cuz id like to start afresh with normal and update programs etc...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2010 01:28AM by kisslaya.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 28, 2010 06:00AM
but hmm...

i did downgrade so if im not wrong it still did install some extra or patched ios's will that effect in anyways or can i continue the update with
nintendos updater...?

i read on the homebrew wiki, that 4.3 update deletes hbc, and all other hacked programs...
also, on this video the person is shown restoring a nand backup with bootmii/ios..any comments about it?

and plz i realy need to know if the 4.3 update through nintendo is alright for me, and that it will delete hbc and bootmii...

cuz id like to start afresh with normal and update programs etc...

4.3 will not delete Homebrew Channel (if you have 1.0.7 or higher).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2010 06:01AM by NintendoFreak.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 28, 2010 02:16PM
At first release 4.3 would remove HBC, but when another work around and a update to HBC was done, 4.3 won't remove HBC now if you have the lastest version.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 28, 2010 03:30PM
is there anyway to check if i have patched ios's
cuz i still dont want to take the risk of bricking my wii...

and dop mii just shows which ios's i have and not which ones to remove/delete in order to prevent bricking...

also HBC is a self updater right?
so that means i probably have the latest version..if not where can i check that?
and will the 4.3U update delete priiloder or will that be there too...

-im being too paranoid, this bootmii/ios is realy a problem :/ -
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 28, 2010 11:53PM
Yes HBC is a self updater, if your wii is connected to the internet as soon as you load HBC you tells you there is a update and ask i fyou would like to update, you can also check HBC to see which version you have, I don't remember how at the moment but it should be in the top right corner. I don't know if its still out but there was a diagnostic check? from dop-mii that would do a check of your IOS's but don't know if its there still.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 29, 2010 12:34AM
thanks! :D

another problem;
when i try to update through nintendos updaer, it gives me an error: 32007
i checked nintendo and it said its sumthn with the internet...
but then i tried to play a game online, it worked, the internet channel was working too
so idk wts causing this....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2010 01:24AM by kisslaya.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 29, 2010 02:26AM
The best way I know of to check for patched IOSes is to run the HackMii Installer and look at the log file.

The HackMii Installer can be found here: bootmii.org

On your SD card, create a folder called apps if it does not already exist. Then create a folder called hackmii inside of there. Put boot.dol from the hackmii installer download into that folder.

Run the hackmii installer with the Homebrew Channel. When it starts, it will look familiar because you already ran this app when you first hacked your Wii. Once the app has started and you've pressed 1, check to see if you can install BootMii as boot2. If you can, do it. I don't think the video told you to do that. Once that's done, or if you can only install it as IOS, then just exit the installer.

Finally, put your SD card in your computer and look for a file called installer.log. It will list all IOSes on your Wii. If any of them have asterisks after them, they are patched.

Post the log file here if you need help.

Also, if you only tried to update once, then try again, it could have just been a fluke.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 29, 2010 04:53AM
wow dude thanks...that was exactly what i was looking for...
il do that asap and post the log file here, and then plz guide me as to what i must do so i can safely upgrade to 4.3!
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 29, 2010 05:22AM
then plz guide me as to what i must do so i can safely upgrade to 4.3!

That is unbelievably simple. Go the the settings and select update. System modifications do not make this dangerous. Though, if you still don't believe this, you don't have to update at all.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 30, 2010 12:39AM
HackMii v0.6 installer starting up
PVR = 00087200
running under IOS 36 rev 0xd431
85 titles are installed
Found IOS 0: revision: 0x0*
Found IOS 202: revision: 0xffff*
Found IOS 236: revision: 0xd431*
Found IOS 254: revision: 0xff01*
Found IOS 58: revision: 0x181f.
Found IOS 80: revision: 0xd431*
Found IOS 250: revision: 0xffff*
Found IOS 249: revision: 0x11*
Found IOS 223: revision: 0x4*
Found IOS 222: revision: 0x4*
Found IOS 70: revision: 0xd431*
Found IOS 61: revision: 0x161d.
Found IOS 60: revision: 0xd431*
Found IOS 57: revision: 0x171e.
Found IOS 56: revision: 0x161d.
Found IOS 55: revision: 0x151e.
Found IOS 53: revision: 0x151e.
Found IOS 51: revision: 0x1300.
Found IOS 50: revision: 0xd431*
Found IOS 38: revision: 0xf1b.
Found IOS 37: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 35: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 34: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 33: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 31: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 30: revision: 0xd431*
Found IOS 28: revision: 0x70e.
Found IOS 22: revision: 0x50d.
Found IOS 21: revision: 0x40e.
Found IOS 20: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 17: revision: 0x407.
Found IOS 16: revision: 0xd431*
Found IOS 15: revision: 0x407.
Found IOS 14: revision: 0x407.
Found IOS 13: revision: 0x407.
Found IOS 12: revision: 0x20d.
Found IOS 11: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 10: revision: 0x300.
Found IOS 9: revision: 0x40a.
Found IOS 36: revision: 0xd431*
Found IOS 3: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 2: revision: 0x1c1.
Found IOS 4: revision: 0xff00.
IOS versions: Installer: 0, HBC: 61, DVDX: 35
got no usable IOS for the installer
starting preparationspreparations done!This installer can NOT continue!

There is no known vulnerable IOS installed on this Wii.
Please note that we will not use a fakesigned IOS due to
security reasons.

Safe to update through nintendos updater from the wii?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2010 12:40AM by kisslaya.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 30, 2010 04:18AM
I"d hold off on updating for now, as a whole bunch of IOSes are patched on your Wii. The important patched ones are 80, 70, 60, 50, 30, and 36. IOSes 202, 236, 250, 249, 223, 222, and 16 are also patched, but they have never been used to run official software (with one irreverent exception) so that is not important right now.

I recommend that you first remove IOSes 70 and 80 with Dop-Mii. Then, make sure you are running the latest version of the Homebrew Channel. The log file you posted is from an old version of the HackMii Installer. Make sure you download the latest one from bootmii.org. Replace the HackMii Installer on your SD card with the one from bootmii.org. Then run it and install the Homebrew Channel and BootMii as boot2 if it allows that.

I'm not sure if updating through Nintendo is safe at this point because your system menu (which I'm thinking is itself patched) is running on a patched IOS.

I'd like to know if you can install BootMii as boot2 before I give you further advice.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
September 30, 2010 03:41PM
and yes..im probably running on a patched ios, because i downgraded from my original 4.3, to 4.1U

i already have bootmii installed as ios...
so should i install bootmii again? even if it says i should install as ios?

i installed homebrew again with the latest bootmii
but not bootmii/ios, must i install that too? (with the latest bootmii)

so now i have the latest hbc...
what can i do now?/ or what am i supposed to do now...

that youtube guide fked me up pretty bad >.<

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2010 04:00PM by kisslaya.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
October 01, 2010 03:53AM
Good. You now have the latest Homebrew Channel and BootMii IOS (the latest HackMii Installer automatically installs BootMii as an IOS upon startup because it depends on it to run.) If the installer said "BootMii Can be Installed), then click on that to go to the BootMii menu to install BootMii as boot2. You will then have two copies of BootMii on your Wii, this is normal and desired. If it says (Only as IOS), then you cannot install BootMii as boot2.

This page has screen shots of what it will look like: [wiibrew.org]
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
October 01, 2010 05:48AM
Good. You now have the latest Homebrew Channel and BootMii IOS (the latest HackMii Installer automatically installs BootMii as an IOS upon startup because it depends on it to run.) If the installer said "BootMii Can be Installed), then click on that to go to the BootMii menu to install BootMii as boot2. You will then have two copies of BootMii on your Wii, this is normal and desired. If it says (Only as IOS), then you cannot install BootMii as boot2.

This page has screen shots of what it will look like: [wiibrew.org]

He can't install bootmii/ boot2, he said he got a black Wii with 4.3 pre-installed.

Meaning it's new, and has the fixed boot1.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2010 05:48AM by NintendoFreak.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
October 01, 2010 03:54PM
so umm any further steps i should follow to restore my wii back to 4.3 safely?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2010 03:55PM by kisslaya.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
October 02, 2010 02:07AM
so umm any further steps i should follow to restore my wii back to 4.3 safely?

-Get DopMii Wiibrew edition

-load it from HBC

-Select "use IOS58 + AHPORT" (something like that)

-Reinstall the IOSs that have the * symbol (Look at the post you made with the list of IOS)

After that, run the HackMii installer and post the installer here so we can see if your IOS are clean.

If IOS are clean, try to perform a System Update through Nintendo (If the other people in here recommend it, they know more than me)
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
October 02, 2010 03:02AM
Also, DONT install the latest IOS60 (If you are on 4.0/4.1) or IOS70 (If you are on 4.2) as they are STUBs and WILL brick your Wii.

Dont reinstall IOS254, as it's BootMii IOS (unless you dont want it)

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2010 03:04AM by NintendoFreak.
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
October 02, 2010 03:09AM
so umm any further steps i should follow to restore my wii back to 4.3 safely?

-Get DopMii Wiibrew edition

-load it from HBC

-Select "use IOSxx + AHBPROT"

-Reinstall the IOSs that have the * symbol (Look at the post you made with the list of IOS)

After that, run the HackMii installer and post the installer here so we can see if your IOS are clean.

If IOS are clean, try to perform a System Update through Nintendo (If the other people in here recommend it, they know more than me)

Also, DONT install the latest IOS60 (If you are on 4.0/4.1) or IOS70 (If you are on 4.2) as they are STUBs and WILL brick your Wii.

Dont reinstall IOS254, as it's BootMii IOS (unless you dont want it)
Re: Bricked Wii Boot/IOS
October 02, 2010 04:05AM
umm k il try that tommorow and give an update..
thx fr the replies
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