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Dumb question, but.....

Posted by redsoxrox182 
Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 02:42PM
Since I haven't been able to get to a gamestop I figured I try using a digital film one just in case it might work.
Do I have to use the SanDisk made specifically for Wii or does it just have to be one that isn't only for pictures?
Also will I be missing out if I don't get the USBGecko?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 02:54PM
Any SD card will work as long as it is at least 256mb big. USB Geckos wont make you miss out on anything.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 02:58PM
USBgecko isn't that usefull, but to each his own... I haven't needed it..

there is a compatibility test chart for SD cardson Wiibrew, can't find it though...maybe Arikado will link it
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 03:11PM
SD/SDHC Card Compatibility Tests:

Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 03:42PM
Thanks! You guys are some team!
I didnt really want to have to buy the Gecko thing so I'm glad I don't need it.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 03:56PM
Do you have any other questions or comcerns? If so, please feel free to ask and we will do our best to help you.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 04:30PM
Well it says I need to download the boot.dol. Is it talking about the thing that says .dol
on the homebrew homepage?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 04:57PM
What says that? Anyways Im assuming its reffering to the homebrew channel. The homebrew channel is named boot.dol. Once you have it, place it in the root of your sd card.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 05:15PM
"4. Copy "boot.dol" from the Homebrew Channel download to to the root (the top folder) of your SD card."

Twilight Hack (Download for System Menu 3.3 and Below | Download for System Menu 3.4)
Homebrew Channel (Download)

I already downloaded the first one. Now I'm assuming that I have to download the second one but it just takes
me to the same page.

I got this from [wiibrew.org]
both links lead to [hbc.hackmii.com]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2009 05:36PM by redsoxrox182.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 05:48PM
Alright so I downloaded both of those files and put them on the SD card. I already had pictures on it and one folder
of pictures was the first on the list, so I put both of the downloads in there. Then I put it in the wii but the twilight hack
isnt showing up. what did i do wrong?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 05:57PM
Is the twilight hack on the root of your SD card? Are you using the correct version of the twilight hack for your firmware?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 06:37PM
I did the right hack but I'm not sure about what it means by the root.

If I have on my SD card:


And the step by step guide say to put download them both to the root. I downloaded them and they went
to the SD card and them moved them into the Pics01 folder. Should I have either downloaded them straight
to the root or put the downloads above Pics01?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 06:44PM
Placing something in the root of your card means placing something on your card so that it is not in any folders.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 06:47PM
Alright, so since they're both supposed to be in the root, should they just be first and second and not
in any other folders?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 06:53PM
It doesnt matter where they are in the root, just that they are in the root. Yes, they should not be in any other folders.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 07:02PM
The twilight hack is in a compressed (zipped) folder. Is that okay or should I extract it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2009 07:05PM by redsoxrox182.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 07:10PM
Extract it to the root of your sd card.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 07:14PM
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 17, 2009 08:14PM
No problem, be sure to let me know if you successfully install the homebrew channel or if you have any problems before during or after installation of the homebrew channel.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 18, 2009 02:49AM
Thanks I will. Unfortunately I will be gone skiing until Saturday but if I have any problems
I will let you know!
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