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Dumb question, but.....

Posted by redsoxrox182 
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 27, 2009 11:07PM
Anyone here?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
February 27, 2009 11:09PM
Nope ;) (I'm kidding obviously)
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 02, 2009 12:45AM
Can anyone answer my question? What does it mean to extract it to the archive?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 02, 2009 12:59AM
Extract it with something like WinRAR or 7-Zip
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 02, 2009 01:02AM
Extract what?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 02, 2009 01:06AM
the_homebrew_channel-1.0.1.tar.gz from [hbc.hackmii.com]
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 02, 2009 02:07AM
why doesn't hackmii host this as a boot.dol?!?! that would save us helpers on the forums a lot of time! haha
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 02, 2009 06:19PM
So does anyone have an answer?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 02, 2009 09:38PM
sorry bg, didnt see ur respronse!
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 04, 2009 08:35PM
I have Windows Vista and downloaded 7-Zip.
I right clicked on the_hombrew_channel-1.0.1.tar.gz
and clicked on 7-zip, and it gave me these options:

Open Archive
Extract Files
Extract Here
Extract to the_homebrew_channel-1.0.1.tar/"
Test Archive
Add to Archive
Compress and Email
Add to the_homebrew_channel-1.0.1.tar.gz.7z
Compress to the_homebrew_channel-1.0.1.tar.gz.7z and email
Add to the_homebrew_channel-1.0.1.tar.gz.zip
Compress to the_homebrew_channel-1.0.1.tar.gz.zip and email

which one should I do? WiiBrew says to extract to the archive.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 04, 2009 08:48PM
You could use any of the ones that say 'extract'
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 04, 2009 09:09PM
A tar.gz file is an archive. I'd like to know what page on wiibrew you're reffering to.

To answer your question click extract files and extract the files to the root of your SD card.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 04, 2009 10:34PM
Alright, so I should just choose extract files? got it
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 04, 2009 10:37PM
Thanks for the link, maybe I have bad eyes but I still dont see where it says that.

Also, be sure to extract to the root of your SD card.
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 04, 2009 10:57PM
It's down at the very bottom at Troubleshooting.

I tell the computer to extract it to the root of the SD card,
and then it asks me if I want to replace the old
with the modified one, and when I say yes, it says it can't
delete output file G:\the_homebrew_channel-1.0.1.tar.
Now that I think about it, should I be extracting the file folder
or GZ File?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 04, 2009 11:20PM
Extract the the_homebrew_channel-1.01.tar also. (it's a bit confusing)
[hbc.tar.gz -extract-> hbc.tar -extract-> hbc boot.dol]
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 09, 2009 10:23AM
Ive tried everything mentioned here, but it still says the same thing every time.
Just so you know, I haven't been making a brand new save file everytie before
copying the Twilight Hack. I did it the very first time, and then I just deleted and
the Twilight Hack copied into its place. Now when I try I just immediately copy the
Twilight Hack and goes to where the save file was. Should I be making a new save
file everytime I try it?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 14, 2009 10:23AM
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 14, 2009 01:19PM
Hello. HAve you solved ypur problems yet?
Re: Dumb question, but.....
March 15, 2009 10:59AM
No, unfortunately. I'm really sorry it's taking so long, but now I think I got so far off track that
the only way to finish this would be to start over and just go step by step with someone else.
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