twilight hack not copying from sd card to wii
March 04, 2009 12:32AM
can anyone help?

i bought a 2gig sd card formatted it and installed the hack onto the sd card. the file 'twilight hack' shows up in the sd card save data screen but doesnt copy over to the wii for some reason. ive read the faq's. i seem to have done everything right. but its not letting me copy the hack
Re: twilight hack not copying from sd card to wii
March 04, 2009 01:38AM
Check your PMs.
Re: twilight hack not copying from sd card to wii
March 07, 2009 10:22AM
I am having the same problem. While trying to transfer, a pop-up message comes up, the game must be played first. I have done that with several saves. then i would have to erase it again. try the transfer again, the same pop message comes up. i would play the game again make more saves. more erases . and MORE SAME DARN POP MESSAGE. I need help, please. I am getting tired of play zelda.
Re: twilight hack not copying from sd card to wii
March 07, 2009 02:03PM
You both need to read my FAQ before you post like youre supposed to.
Anonymous User
Re: twilight hack not copying from sd card to wii
March 07, 2009 07:32PM
can anyone help?

i bought a 2gig sd card formatted it and installed the hack onto the sd card. the file 'twilight hack' shows up in the sd card save data screen but doesnt copy over to the wii for some reason. ive read the faq's. i seem to have done everything right. but its not letting me copy the hack

1) make sure you played tloz:tp once without the save
2) make sure its formatted (sd card) to fat16 or fat32
3) the sd card has to be unlocked
4) delete the tloz:tp save data on your wii first
Anonymous User
Re: twilight hack not copying from sd card to wii
March 07, 2009 07:34PM
I am having the same problem. While trying to transfer, a pop-up message comes up, the game must be played first. I have done that with several saves. then i would have to erase it again. try the transfer again, the same pop message comes up. i would play the game again make more saves. more erases . and MORE SAME DARN POP MESSAGE. I need help, please. I am getting tired of play zelda.

Make sure you install the right twilight hack
beta 1- firmware 3.3 and under
beta 2- firmware 3.4

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2009 07:35PM by thenewguy.
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