okay so i have an older wii, and i was wondering weather or not this affects anything.
(i got it 4 months after the release date.) such as the apps working more smooth or sicurity issues.
Q#2 i have spent more than 50$ on wii shop cards and boght games. ect. i wanna use the homebrew channel but i am on 4.0u and obviousley the exploit for that version isnt avalible yet, but i dont want any of my money to get deleted (ie. the games i payed for) not only that but i cant have my wii breaking on me. (i had an action replay for several years and i never used any hacks without obataining information about them first, and some of them i used could be game bricking if not used correctly.) also i am looking farward to using ocorina with games such as SSBB, mostly for the stage mods, but currently i have been using the stage builder program from [
www.smashboards.com] <--there
and there are some bugs in that one like when you put more than 100 peaices it freezes or wont load but that is fixxed with ocirina i think. but one thing about the program is that you can select the photo of what you want the stage to be, such as when you go to stage select and you choose your custom stage and it shows the stage and the name, well instead of showwing the stage you put any picture you want there instead,
weather or not this is possible via ocorina i dunno.
more Q's- for the save game installer i have the powersaves sd card that i bought and i am unsure wheather or not it has special properties becouse i have used it with a downloaded save of SSBB and i copied that save to my friends wii without any such difficulty, so i was thinking that it has special properties, does it?
also about the save game extractor and save game installer you need both to modify your animal-crossing town via the program animal map or whatever, also you use that to edit your neighbors too correct? and is it possible for someone to edit their save of ac-cf and use the map editor and save the newly desighned town then distribute there saved file on the internet for download? if they downloaded it with all the cheats and awsome rivers and hills and such could you install it via the homebrews save game installer or the power saves sd card?
i guess thats all for the questions THANKS (in advance)