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GUIDE: How to use bannerbomb to run homebrew with loadmii OR Hackmii Installer

Posted by Kage52124 
Dude that blows, my sympathies. Are you sure you can't run ANYTHING? LoadMii or just some random app?

Tried LoadMii with BannerBomb. None of the BannerBomb zips ever pop-up the "Load boot.dol/elf" message - Nothing. So I assume it is 'not working' before it ever opens a byte of boot.dol/elf.

Only suggestion I have had is to try a different SD card - Sounds like a long shot... But I'll hunt around for one and give it a go. I'm going to relax for a week and let the frustration die down... ;-)
Good idea in taking a break. If you NEVER get the load message regardless of whichever version you've used, then you're one of the few who just can't use it yet.

If it is the SD card, then try and get a 2 GB SD and NOT SDHC just to make sure that compatibility is guaranteed.
Re: GUIDE: How to use bannerbomb to run homebrew with loadmii OR Hackmii Installer
May 24, 2009 07:23PM
Tried LoadMii with BannerBomb. None of the BannerBomb zips ever pop-up the "Load boot.dol/elf" message - Nothing. So I assume it is 'not working' before it ever opens a byte of boot.dol/elf.
You did unzip them, right?
It would appear as SD:\private\wii\title\aktn\data.bin (or something close; that's off the top of my head...)
I'm having the same problem as YeloSno, my virgin wii won't even offer to load anything, using any of the different zips of bannerbomb. It won't work with either loadmii or hackmii. It won't allow anything.
I figured it out!

There is a mention on the Twilight hack page something like "Some users have reported that the saved channel does not appear if the 'Archive' attribute is not set on the .bin save file".

In Windows, I found the content.bin file deep down under 'private' on my SD card, went Right click->properties, Ticked 'Archived'.

- Followed the Bannerbomb instructions again, and now it WORKED FIRST TIME.

I don't understand why this happened to just me, but THE ARCHIVE BIT NEEDS TO BE SET ON THE .bin FILE.

I was using 7-zip on Shista (Vista) to extract - Maybe it does something unusual with the archive bit.

So if all you see is a blank-looking SD card on the Wii, try the Archive bit.

And will someone get Comex to update his page, and someone else with a login update the WiiBrew pages.

I hope this saves someone the hours of frustration I had!

Great catch. 7zip is supposed to be good, but I stick to WinRAR for non-zip archives and let Vista (or XP) handle the zips.
Wow, you are so my hero YeloSno, I put it to archive, and immediately it worked, maybe its something about 7zip. That's what I used as well.
Has anyone successfully installed HBC on a Wii with serial number that starts with LU64?? And with a 4.0U Menu? I cant get it to work. Have bannerbomb 1f_v108 in private folder, hackmii installer beta1 renamed to boot.elf, loadmii 0.3 boot.dol, (both .elf and .dol in root dir). Follow all directions load .elf/.dol? pops up, click yes, loadmii loads just fine. Wait for wiimote to time out. Am I now supposed to load the boot.elf file? I try that and after that it just freezes. Any help would be great thanks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2009 03:01AM by micro53.
Comex from bannerbomb.qoid.us
My Wii's serial number starts with LU64, is this compatible? Yes, but it might not be possible to install the Homebrew Channel or BootMii.

nuf said I'm afraid. You could try using bannerbomb directly with the hackmii installer, but I don't know if it'd help.
Comex from bannerbomb.qoid.us
My Wii's serial number starts with LU64, is this compatible? Yes, but it might not be possible to install the Homebrew Channel or BootMii.

nuf said I'm afraid. You could try using bannerbomb directly with the hackmii installer, but I don't know if it'd help.

It said might, so thats why I did try it. I was trying to be hopeful, but I guess no luck.
Well just sit tight and stick to using Bannerbomb to bring up Loadmii, it works rather well. You don't have to wait for the wiimote to time out IF you turn off WiiConnect24. Small temporary fix.
*Bumped since it seems people could still use this*
Hey,just to be sure:

Does Gecko OS works on 4.0u using the HBC?
Re: GUIDE: How to use bannerbomb to run homebrew with loadmii OR Hackmii Installer
June 27, 2009 01:42AM
Yes disc loading works, but channel loading and rebooting with hooks doesn't.
Well,if i can still play Japenese games i'm okay with that :)
....Can someone please help me out?? I'm a little overwhelmed. I have all the files on the card:


Then I proceed to the SD card menu after inserting it into the Wii. It runs automatically and then a DOS like screen appears with the black background and white text. I then proceed to select the SD card from the list of selectables by navigating left and right with the wiimote's dpad. But when I get to the next menu like area with the BOOT.DOL and click on it, it returns me to the list of selectables....without installing anything...?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2010 04:00AM by WaxyPumpkin72.
Re: GUIDE: How to use bannerbomb to run homebrew with loadmii OR Hackmii Installer
January 15, 2010 04:00AM
....Can someone please help me out?? I'm a little overwhelmed. I have all the files on the card:


Then I proceed to the SD card menu after inserting it into the Wii. It runs automatically and then a DOS like screen appears with the black background and white text. I then proceed to select the SD card from the list of selectables by navigating left and right with the wiimote's dpad. But when I get to the next menu like area with the BOOT.DOL and click on it, it returns me to the list of selectables....without installing anything...? I want to play games by burning them to DVD's, am I missing something here? Please help!
The boot.dol you selected from LoadMii [the DOS like screen with the black background and white text] is the LoadMii boot.dol so it just loads itself.
Playing burned games is not supported here because it is very closely related to piracy. I assume you downloaded some games that you want to play.
I did not download any games at the moment.

But how come when i ran the homebrew browser it never installed on the wii menu? is it supposed to? and the homebrew channel never showed up either...?
Re: GUIDE: How to use bannerbomb to run homebrew with loadmii OR Hackmii Installer
January 15, 2010 04:16AM
You need to run the HackMii Installer
Okay, but now I can't delete anything off of my Sd card...?
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