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Should We Update To 4.0?

Posted by slyfox299 
Should We Update To 4.0?
June 29, 2009 05:42AM
Hi All!!!

I want your opinion on this. I was a noob who updated to 4.0 as a virgin wii. Thus, when I heard 4.0 was out, I was so mad. Until BannerBomb was released. I then ordered 4 SD cards (:D) and got hooked on homebrew.

Now since then, I have come within 2 bricks, both which I fixed because I was 4.0. Now it has come to my attention that there are several people who bricked their Wii's but were at 3.2/3.3 and now they have a nice white doorstop.

For instance: I was using to change and mod my system menu. I tried to make my own, but I corrupted my menu. I could load up the SM but any attempt at running a channel crashed the wii. I managed to run the dol through BannerBomb instead, and now I am all clean and fine.

This is just my story. I am sure there are others out there who have experienced similar cases. Would you care to share them?

So my point is this. At the moment, it almost seems that any Wii with: A-BootMii B-Preloader C-HBC D-Wii@4.0 If they have all of these, they will be fine. What are your thoughts?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2009 06:55PM by Arikado.
Re: Should We Update To 4.0?
June 29, 2009 04:58PM
I really don't understand how being on System Menu 4.0 helped you here.
Re: Should We Update To 4.0?
June 29, 2009 06:27PM
Uh, basically, as long as you have bootmii installed as boot2, its (AFAiK) impossible to brick your wii and not be able to fix it. 3.2 is actually the ideal system menu. I also agree with MattMan. Where have you heard stories of people saying they had a bricked 3.2/3.3/.3.4, but if they were on 4.0 they could've fixed it???

From what I've heard, it usually the other way around! :P

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2009 06:28PM by WaxyPumpkin72.
Re: Should We Update To 4.0?
June 29, 2009 06:55PM
If you have BootMii boot2, theres no reason for Preloader.
Re: Should We Update To 4.0?
June 29, 2009 07:23PM
I managed to run the dol through BannerBomb instead, and now I am all clean and fine.

You know that bannerbomb works on system menu's other than 4.0, don't you?
Re: Should We Update To 4.0?
June 29, 2009 08:23PM
If you have BootMii boot2, theres no reason for Preloader.

I love the 1337 HAXX (HBC reference) that come with preloader. and wii remote support :-)
But preloader would be killed by any sys menu update (barring those that only update IOS) Bootmii survives pretty much everything. Just never update without reading up on Wiibrew and Hackmii. 3.2 is just as good for homebrew as 3.3 (non-oct 23), but 3.3 (oct 23) through 4.0 disables signing bug.
Re: Should We Update To 4.0?
June 29, 2009 08:55PM
Actually, 3.3 without Oct 23rd update also kills some trucha bug I believe, hence 3.2 is accepted as the latest "good homebrew" system menu. And before 4.0, not ALL IOS were fixed. It finally fixed them all. I think that's all right anyway. But on topic, the guy who posted this topic makes no sense what-so-ever. "I was a noob who updated to 4.0 as a virgin wii. Thus, when I heard 4.0 was out, I was so mad." You updated to 4.0, then when you found out 4.0 existed, you got annoyed? Riiiiiiiiiight. "Now since then, I have come within 2 bricks, both which I fixed because I was 4.0." And that helped how exactly? "At the moment, it almost seems that any Wii with: A-BootMii B-Preloader C-HBC D-Wii@4.0 If they have all of these, they will be fine. What are your thoughts?" No, ANY Wii with BootMii as boot2 will be fine. Never mind the other stuff. They wont help if you have BootMii. preloader could a little bit, but not as much as BootMii

EDIT: Sorry if I seem a bit harsh on you, just what you said doesn't really make sense. I realise you're new to all this, and you're trying to help people, so sorry.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2009 01:23PM by SifJar.
Re: Should We Update To 4.0?
June 30, 2009 01:12AM
If you have BootMii boot2, theres no reason for Preloader.
I use preloader and bootmii
I use preloader to load WiiHome right after boot mii.
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