System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 05:18PM
ummmmm...... well its here for america and europe.
I was wondering if all my apps would still work on 4.1 that did work on 4.0
and i was lead to believe that 4.1 would not be released outside of Japan by Arikado
so all discussion about 4.1 can go here
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 05:32PM
4.1 = 4.0 + Wii Sprots Resort Bug Fix. Nothing more.

Also, regarding what I said to you in a PM, I previously believed 4.1 would never arrive outside of Japan (like 3.5 in Korea) because Nintendo would fix the WSR bug on the disc. Unfortunately, Nintendo has again decided to show off how they are lazy bastards and just released 4.1 instead.
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 05:46PM
lol i know
its all cool i just want my system menu hacks to be updated for 4.1 :(
and i suspect that WSR had already been shipped all around the world. therefore nintendo could not take them all back and fix them
however unfortunately nintendo has succeeded in getting rid of our ever so precious copy-protected saves
does this update (well update) any ios or replace any or do anything to ioses or just a system menu file?
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 05:52PM
however unfortunately nintendo has succeeded in getting rid of our ever so precious copy-protected saves
FYI, they did that in 4.0 I wrote a guide to undo the effect on my blog. Basically, just patch IOS 60.

Also, AFAIK, this update just updates the system menu. But if you have BootMii installed as boot2, it's probably a great idea to make a NAND Backup before you update just in case.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2009 05:53PM by Arikado.
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 06:23PM
im a regular reader of your blog and must have overlooked that post thank you very much.
however i always thought that you must patch the system menu in order to copy protected saves
or does patching ios 60 let you patch system menu 4.1?
thanks for the quick replies
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 06:38PM
IOS 60 deals with the SD Card transferring and the SD Card menu. Re-enabling the trucha bug in it disables the copy protection.
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 06:44PM
Cool thanks
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 06:46PM
Two questions about your post on your blog Arikado.

1. Isn't that WAD illegal? Because it contains Nintendo code...
2. Wouldn't you need a trucha IOS to do either of these options, rendering them both useless to most 4.0 users?
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 06:55PM
1. Isn't that WAD illegal? Because it contains Nintendo code...
Yes, but my blog isn't on or part of WiiBrew. And the goal for me is to help people and enable homebrew. Not pretend to be a lawyer. (Plus, you can find a similiar (or maybe the exact same) WAD after googling for two minutes...) Notice that I don't (and won't ever) link to that post on WiiBrew.

EDIT: Also, people "higher up" are aware of this and haven't given me any problems over that post regarding my connection with WiiBrew. If they did, I would remove the download link.

2. Wouldn't you need a trucha IOS to do either of these options, rendering them both useless to most 4.0 users?
Which is why I offer the WAD. Anyone can get a trucha enabled IOS35 with limited effort on 4.0 WiiSCU also has quite a few compatibility issues (freezing) with 4.0 users.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2009 07:11PM by Arikado.
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 08:17PM
so i already have a trucha bugged ios 60 already on 4.0 so if i update will it overwrite my existing ios 60 or what?
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 08:23PM
You dont need to update, but if you do it wont touch your IOS the only thing touched in the update is the system menu. No IOS, no System Channels, just the System Menu
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 08:32PM
thanks however patching ios 60 will not let me use other system menu hacks will it?
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 08:38PM
no. nothing can enable preloader hacks on 4.1 yet, because there is no hacks.ini. The hacks have to be ported to 4.1. Which quite possibly wont happen because the only people who will update will be people who get wii sports resort.
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 08:44PM
alright new problem. i just turned off all my hacks and trucha bugged ios 60. dop-ios said everything went well. however i still cant copy any of my protected saves.
i am still on 4.0 so not a big problem yet. please help.
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 10:08PM
Since you're still on 4.0, maybe you should turn your hacks back on?
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 16, 2009 10:30PM
yes but i would like to update and still have my saves
i would like to meet the nintendo developer who thought it was a good idea to keep us from our saves
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 17, 2009 12:15AM
Unfortunately, Nintendo has again decided to show off how they are lazy bastards and just released 4.1 instead.

We don't erven know, if the bug is realy Wii Sport Resorts fault.
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 17, 2009 01:50AM
once again will trucha bugging ios 60 work to get saves back
because it didnt work for me
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 17, 2009 07:44PM
I don't understand at all how that would help you copy protected saves. And if you can install a trucha IOS on 4.0, you may as well install IOS36 and run the Preloader installer.
Re: System Menu 4.1
July 17, 2009 08:02PM
once again will trucha bugging ios 60 work to get saves back
because it didnt work for me
Worked for me (and others) on 4.0 Luckily, Wanky's SaveGame Manager works for you. A bit of an annoying solution, but a solution none the less.
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