Need help for a noob. Installed what?
May 02, 2011 03:44AM
Ok... So Ive got my Homebrew on my Wii menu and I really have no idea what to do next... What can I do?
Re: Need help for a noob. Installed what?
May 02, 2011 04:55AM
What do you want to do?
Re: Need help for a noob. Installed what?
May 02, 2011 06:00AM
If you don't have any apps you need some of those, wiimc is a good one to have, there are some good games, if you have your wii connected to the internet get the homebrew browser and browse the homebrew apps on the wii.
Re: Need help for a noob. Installed what?
May 17, 2011 02:28AM
Go to WiiBrew.Org and then click on Homebrew Applications.

You will get lots of stuff that you can download and play...for free.
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