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A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?

Posted by spacepimp 
A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 17, 2010 02:21PM
The Wii uses a lot less power (30W+?) than a PC. My pc is often left on overnight just to run utorrent (TV stuff mostly).

I know nothing about programming, but I know utorrent is very very light, and I'm assuming that implies that it's relatively simple?

Very simply, the homebrew could check for .torrents from a folder on a samba share or a usbHD, and save data to another folder on the same drive.
You could manage the whole thing just by adding and deleting .torrents from that folder using existing homebrew or a PC.

I'd use this using a NAS, but after editing a very simple config (folder locations/ip addresses) , most people could:

1 Put your .torrent in a folder on a usb drive.
2 Put the usb drive in the wii and run the homebrew overnight.
3 In the morning, enjoy your hot fresh data.

That's all the functionality you'd need. Later, you could add further configuration possibilites , a tv/wiimote interface, maybe later add a web/network interface?

Thanks for you attention. It's my first post on any wii-related forum, so be kind.
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 17, 2010 03:29PM
I'm not sure if anyone would be willing to do it because, generally, torrents are associated with piracy.
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 17, 2010 03:49PM
I'm not sure if anyone would be willing to do it because, generally, torrents are associated with piracy.
Believe it or not, I was under the same misconception for a long time. Then I realized it's almost 3 times faster to torrent a linux distro then to direct download it. This also applied for all of the 26c3 vids I just recently torrented. Yes, it's the format of choice for pirates due to the anonymity it can provide to the leechers, but it's honestly more convenient to torrent something (decently seeded) then to download it directly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2010 04:21PM by Arikado.
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 17, 2010 04:18PM
Yeah but if it were on Wii, people would use it to torrent ISOs and probably WADs, and someone would make a tool to put those ISOs on a USB drive in USB Loader-friendly format and to auto-install torrented WADs, meaning there would be an app were you just browse through warez and take your pick. I agree it could be very useful, but it'd also make it even easier for pirates.
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 17, 2010 04:21PM
I stick to my original comment as you'll still need a PC to find the torrent ...
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 17, 2010 04:45PM
Well, if someone does make an app like the one I described above, it could have a sort of "repository" of torrents, which someone updates allowing people just to browse and torrent whatever warez they want. Now obviously I sincerely hope I am wrong and a torrent app can be made and not abused for warez, but I doubt that if a torrent app was made someone would not at least try to make something a bit warezy with it.
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 17, 2010 04:52PM
You should try Wii Linux. It will probably get better network and storage performance than anything native (using BootMii+mini), and native Linux torrent clients should work just fine.
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 17, 2010 11:59PM
I'm not sure if anyone would be willing to do it because, generally, torrents are associated with piracy.
Believe it or not, I was under the same misconception for a long time. Then I realized it's almost 3 times faster to torrent a linux distro then to direct download it. This also applied for all of the 26c3 vids I just recently torrented. Yes, it's the format of choice for pirates due to the anonymity it can provide to the leechers, but it's honestly more convenient to torrent something (decently seeded) then to download it directly.

Yes I am aware that there are plenty of legal uses for torrents. I do in-fact use torrents for things like linux and RedSn0w (iPhone jailbreaking app). However, like SifJar said, someone will find out how to steal with a torrent app on the wii. But you do make a point that you would need a PC to find the torrent in the first place...
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 18, 2010 01:41AM
Chuffed with the response so far, many thanks!
Marcan: Ta for the suggestion - I did try linux for this purpose, got as far as logging on to a working partition but couldn't get ubuntu live cd (downloaded using torrent) to recognise the partition and gave up. I am noob hear me roar. Bootmii and mini? I should revist the available info. Although booting up linux every time is a bit long-winded.

Several: I too shared your concern over piracy: Often torrents are used for illegal file sharing. However, I would point out that much of the legitmate software available on this very site could (and often is) be bent toward illegal activity. This has not stopped their conception or development. Also, and I only say this to illustrate my point to comical extreme, but the internet can be used to disrtribute, say, fascist propoganda, but I don't think we should ban that either. I completely understand and often share peoples' objections to piracy, I would just like to use my wii to torrent.

Can I just also reitterate that I think it'd be easy-ish to code.

Several of you asked a great question: What is the point, esp if you can't download torrents via the wii?
e.g. I have an external usb drive where I save my .torrent files and torrents. When I'm away or asleep, I don't want my PC running maybe150W+ to run one program. I plug this drive into my wii, run this software, and it carries on downloading legitmate UKnova tv until I get home. I can then watch whatever via the wii or my pc.

If it were me, I'd use my samba share network port caddy drive thing, and ask that the software can access it ;)

Right now I'm describing a lot of functionality with no (wii)user interface - this is also true of ftpii, which is great software - so that's not necessarily a bad thing

Eventually, it'd be nice to send torrents directly to your wii, and control the software via a web interface.

Editing my post already....dear dear

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2010 02:35AM by spacepimp.
Re: A simple .torrent client - wiitorrent?
January 21, 2010 12:04PM
The wii's networking stack kinda sucks. Not sure if the problem is in libogc or IOS but I ran into all sorts of problems when I tried to use more than 6 connections at once (this was after doubling the network heap size in libogc). marcan's idea of using linux would be the best bet since (I believe) it accesses the hardware directly.
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