Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 17, 2010 10:43PM
@mdbrim : If you have any working alpha or something, I'd like to test it in Crazy Intro... I already use libmii to display a splash screen on the birthday of any mii in case feature is turned on in the configuration.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 18, 2010 09:04PM
im actually away from home this week (get back this weekend) but we have discovered that nintendo changed the mii format which is why the current libmii only does a few things correct (name, birthday, creator, etc)

Once i get back, i'll continue on updating it to the new format so it can display your mii's that are on your wii.

I can send you what i have so far when i get back as well, but it is VERY rough and probably won't be of any use to you (just a bunch of tests with mii features)
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 18, 2010 09:30PM
You mean they changed how they store the miis on RFL_DB.dat file? Pretty strange, I mean isn't ppc code dealing with miis? If what you say is correct then waninkoko's mii installer and mii extractor apps should not work correctly anymore too.. Haven't tested though.

About the alpha, no problem. I can wait at least you somewhat come up with a bare interface to use the library.

Also it could be nice if we add a second layer to simply animate the miis like opening/closing the eyes, moving the head... and since the body is also generic simple movement may be accomplished too with some 2d effects. For the initial release though it's enough to keep a variable to hold the state/states of each part of the mii ... Then rendering library could be extended to make animation possible...

Anyway, these are just suggestions, don't take them seriously ;)
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 18, 2010 11:31PM
If what you say is correct then waninkoko's mii installer and mii extractor apps should not work correctly anymore too..
They don't.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 18, 2010 11:42PM
If what you say is correct then waninkoko's mii installer and mii extractor apps should not work correctly anymore too..
They don't.

Oops, it seems no one uses them. Never seen a noob cry after that :)
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 19, 2010 02:35PM
the extractor works (worked for me at least)... that's how I noticed the dif in the new dump format and the old one. I think the extractor just dumps the data.

I have not tried the installer, maybe that won't work because it looks for a specific format to install.


Also it could be nice if we add a second layer to simply animate the miis like opening/closing the eyes, moving the head... and since the body is also generic simple movement may be accomplished too with some 2d effects. For the initial release though it's enough to keep a variable to hold the state/states of each part of the mii ... Then rendering library could be extended to make animation possible...

no, that's a good idea, that's exactly what i had in mind. First my plan is to display them mug shot style... then it wouldn't be hard at all to add some blinking, a little head sway to give them life, etc. And after that, you could categorize all the lips (happy, sad, mad, hurt, etc) like nintendo does so your mii can change expression based on other variables (something bad happens, display random sad face etc)

I also would like to add other features so that it can display miis from your wii, and maybe a mii v2 library stored on your SD card that you make... Probably wouldn't have too much more details as far as hair styles etc, but might have a few more props, (hats with logos, more glasses, crazy items etc) I dunno, we'll see where it all leads!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2010 02:35PM by mdbrim.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
March 08, 2010 06:06AM
For those following this topic...

Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 07, 2010 08:53AM
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 09, 2010 08:34PM
Hopefully I'll use this library in the new version of Crazy Intro... this weekend possibly...

Indeed great work!

edit: I've implemented support, here how it looks like

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2010 07:47PM by I.R.on.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 12, 2010 03:11AM
lookin good man, lookin good!
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 12, 2010 06:47AM
lookin good man, lookin good!

Yeah, Hopefully I'll be adding Mii's to Bash the Castle soon. I've kinda been involved with DesmumeWii and it's been taking up all my time.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 12, 2010 07:57AM
@mdbrim : Thanks dude, you did the hard work! Yesterday I tried to shrink the images (not by dimensions but file size) using Pngout plugin in irfanview... Indeed I was successful letting it make than more than 3 passes to compress the images better. Original set was 1.03MB and heavily compressed set became 514KB... Resulting set seems to work but there seems to be some problems with the transparency of certain images. Here is the shrinked image set : shrinked-borked-mii-spriteset

The point of the post is, maybe you can do a similar approach to reduce the images size, on my part I've tried but failed somehow, I'll retry though... This saves at least 500K from the resulting dol file so I think it would be nice.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 12, 2010 07:10PM
I.R. I'll look into it. My previous attempts to shrink file sizes (while keeping dimensions the same) have resulted in the same problem you have come across. I tried to do it in Wii Double Down to bring that size down and had same problems... so i let my graphics guy do it! i'll send them to him to see if he can work his magic!
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 13, 2010 10:43AM
Have you tried pngcrush [] to reduce the size of the images? (maybe irfanview messes up the files)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2010 10:43AM by Daid.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 14, 2010 11:55PM
@Daid : Can't find any binary there and too lazy to revive my ubuntu setup on vmware to compile this.

ps1: nevermind, I sent the sources to my linux vps and compiled there...

ps2: using pngcrush on mii_hairs1.png
./pngcrush mii_hairs1.png _mii_hairs1.png

produces exact same size...

./pngcrush mii_hairs1.png _mii_hairs1.png -brute

still the same... what am I doing wrong?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2010 12:15AM by I.R.on.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
April 15, 2010 02:58AM
yeah pngcrush only saved me 100K
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