Megaman X Versus (Megaman X fan game) want to contribute?
February 17, 2010 04:00PM
So, a couple of days ago, I started this project: "Megaman X Versus". It is (or will be) a Megaman X fan game with the ability to play versus each other. I've kind of missed this feature ever since I played Megaman X for the first time.

First of all, this is not mainly a Wii homebrew game, but a PC game (testing is so much faster on a PC), but a Wii homebrew version is planned as soon as I get a beta up.

However, as I don't have an infinite amount of time to create this game a little help is needed. I'm willing to do all the programming by myself, but if anyone wants to contribute with that, you're welcome. What I mainly need help with is the graphics ripping and making, but I also need someone to make the music and the sound effects.

You can read more about the project here: []. Use the "Wiki"-tab for more specific intructions about my plans and what I need help with.

The current state of the project: I've just started writing the game engine and will soon be needing alot of animated sprites of Megaman X.

To contact me, you can use this thread or you can send an e-mail to profetylen <at> gmail <dot> com ,where <at> should be replaced with "@" and <dot> with ".".
Re: Megaman X Versus (Megaman X fan game) want to contribute?
February 22, 2010 06:47PM
i cant do anything (but i so would if i could) but if u do need some help with this i am willing, u will have to teach me some stuff but other than that i would love to help with it
Re: Megaman X Versus (Megaman X fan game) want to contribute?
February 22, 2010 10:34PM
@wiz64: Great! You could definately do graphics ripping (it's not hard at all, just a bit tedious). If you want to do that i suggest you read this: [] and this: [] and this: []. Just tell me if you want to do any other thing (or just do it and tell me later). Thank you very much in advance. You help is much appreciated.
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