dreamcast emulator
July 23, 2010 10:36PM
has anyone started working on any type if not i might start on one
Re: dreamcast emulator
July 23, 2010 10:53PM
I'm pretty sure this has been suggested loads of times and it has always been said the Wii isn't powerful enough, so good luck.
Re: dreamcast emulator
July 29, 2010 06:32AM
i will start it but my computer is crappy it probley will not progess that fast so any help will be approve(srry for my bad english) and if my computer keeps pissing me off i will take a break and continu a differnt day so if you want to help email me at jtmario22@yahoo.com. (btw sorry about the lang could not think of a better word lol)
Re: dreamcast emulator
July 29, 2010 09:56AM

Wii = Not powerful enough for a Dreamcast emulator, get over it already people.
Re: dreamcast emulator
August 08, 2010 07:03AM
Re: dreamcast emulator
September 21, 2010 05:59PM
I believe there is a thread here also and newer than this one that has proven that it is possible.
Re: dreamcast emulator
September 22, 2010 12:54AM

Working on it with drkIIRaziel.

Initial release probably no earlier than this August.

Yes, fullspeed is possible (I didnt believe it either originally -- oh the wonders of dynarec emulation)
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