I dont think it's possible to have the Wii recognize a USB controller as a Gamecube pad plugged into a USB port on the Wii. For one a Gamecube controller has specific electronic signals it sends to the Wii when in use. It would explain the need for conversion devices that offer separate plug ins for other controllers.....Example would be PS2 to GC converters. At the connection point for the PS2 controller would be a small housed signal converter to convert the PS2 controllers unique electronic signals to signals a Gamecube, or Wii console would recognize as a Gamecube controllers.
These signals also explain why some hardware modders can make N64 (among others) controllers work in the Gamecube controller ports. It's not the simple process of merely swapping the controller cables, although it is an integral part of the mod such modders do. They also have to tweak, and adjust the components of the controller in such a way where it practically mimmicks the signals of a Gamecube controller so that a Wii, or Gamecube console can recognize and use it as a Gamecube controller. I'm sure you see a pattern here, cause if USB could be used in either of the two above fashions, than they'd do the necessary hardware adjustments and throw on a USB cable to any controller they desired.
So it's one of two possible ways to accomplish this....Go through a lengthy and tedious hardware modification of a USB controller, or see if homebrew devs could add this support in some fashion using IOS 58.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2010 04:47AM by nightwishfan1.