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DVD is stuck in Drive; Best procedure to remove?

Posted by ElderUsr 
DVD is stuck in Drive; Best procedure to remove?
February 11, 2011 04:43AM
Hey Everyone,

Relatively new to the scene and have ran into a few issues. I would like to know if anyone here in the hardware department has ever had an issue where they were playing a video game and after a certain amount of time, or after a power down, you are no longer able to get the Wii Game out of the drive?

I have tried the normal, pressing Eject multiple times, waiting a few seconds and holding it down, have tried powering the device down for 10-15 min and trying again, I even tried turning it facing down to see if it would slide down.

I am not afraid to get my hands dirty, so if necessary I will take apart the hardware to get the DVD out, however I would like to know the following:

1. Is there an easier way that I just have not tried yet?
2. If not, whats the proper procedure for manually accessing the drive to remove the DVD?

Thanks a bunch,
Re: DVD is stuck in Drive; Best procedure to remove?
February 11, 2011 01:36PM
If the problem is actually with the eject button, then this might help
Eject DVD
Re: DVD is stuck in Drive; Best procedure to remove?
February 11, 2011 05:12PM
There may be an emergency eject button, I know many computer DVD drives have a small hole to insert a pin into to eject a disc if something has gone wrong. But I don't know if the Wii has one or not and if so, how to access it.
Re: DVD is stuck in Drive; Best procedure to remove?
December 29, 2012 10:32AM
You are not alone :). Many people have the same problem. A good idea would be using eject dvd as chris pointed out. In case everything fails, check out this forum thread . It might help you.
Re: DVD is stuck in Drive; Best procedure to remove?
December 29, 2012 01:46PM
You are not alone :). Many people have the same problem. A good idea would be using eject dvd as chris pointed out. In case everything fails, check out this forum thread . It might help you.

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