Through the Wii's settings, I can't get my Wii to connect to the internet. I have open WiFi through my apartment complex, but I get error 51331 when trying to connect to it. I've tried using my laptop as an ad hoc connection or by , and I've tried tethering through my phone, but no luck either way. Is it possible to set up an internet connection anywhere inside of homebrewby mustgowhee - Homebrew General
Well installing was disgustingly easy. Glad I asked! Thanks metroid_maniac!by mustgowhee - Getting Started
I have system update 4.2U, and Homebrew Channel 1.0.6 (with DVDx). The Wii can't connect to the internet through my apartment complex's WiFi (I can't change any settings), or through while tethered through my phone, or by . I initially installed Homebrew via the Twilight Hack. I own SSBB and a 2GB SD card. 2.5 questions: 1) What would be the recommended method for upgradinby mustgowhee - Getting Started
Plays pretty well. I personally like the NES-style of controller - maybe because I only used the keyboard when I played this a decade ago. One bug I noticed: If you go into the main menu from the game, all of the information on the bottom of the screen turns into black boxes. These do reset to their correct value when changed (gain/lose health, fire bullet, character face graphic moves, gainby mustgowhee - Homebrew Applications
Kidspaint 1.1 has this capability (, though I didn't get around to trying it out last mustgowhee - Homebrew Applications
I've been using homebrew for about 6 months on my wii now, and I've started to accumulate quite a bit of homebrew apps. Would it be possible to add a loop-around feature to the homebrew channel: ie, if you go left from A, you get to Z (or W, in my case)? If this isn't possible, is it possible to rename games by editing the meta.xml file, so that my first page of games could beby mustgowhee - Getting Started