trying to install homebrew on 4.2u. with hackmii when i click install home brew channel i get unable to install ticket 1040001012 failed -1040001012 what do i need to do ?by foreveraudio - Homebrew General
actually i dl a few more isos, and i get them to start working, 4 min into playing all of them they either freeze up or screen goes black, and have to reboot, its driving me nuts, whoevers a pro at this and wants to help guide me through whatever im doing wrong, write me on yahoo messanger, screen name is foreveraudioby foreveraudio - The Junkyard
ok so im still learning all this, but i catch on quick. i have homebrew up and running, dvd playback works, emus work fine. problem im having is with reading dvdrs for backups. i burn the iso using imgburn, then put in my wii. the will loads up with the safety screen, but after that is goes black and i get disk error, cannot read disk check wii owners manual. im getting the iso from piratebaby foreveraudio - The Junkyard
ok so iv been following the diresctions for installation on youtube, from a guy named drmodz. everything was going fine untill i get to the part on homebrew where you click on dop-is , then click load ,my screen goes black, wii stays on. so im stuck at this part of the installation i assume this is the part where ur installing the ios, but im stuck , someone let me know, thanks the lionk to tby foreveraudio - Getting Started