What happens when your Wii boots up? 1.) Normal Boot The health warning appears, and if I hit the A button, the screen brings up an error message something like "Your system files are corrupt". I keep on turning it off and on and it brings up same message and when I stick a particular sd card in the sd slot it boots normally.... What Version of the System Menu is installed on the Wii? 4.1by BrendanN - FixMii
the bannerbomb.qoid.us is the legit website. I am using bannerbomb right now! Although the only launcher app that worked was loadmii But yeh, I recommend using it, it's great! I think there is no hassle at all :]by BrendanN - Homebrew General
Hey, It is really hard to find a good website with a tutorial for hacking AC:CF. I stumbled across this one which is FANTASTIC! Links to all the programs you need, how to use it and extra little bits. This will really help you out :]by BrendanN - Offtopic
So.......... You do not need additional hardware in order to install it. In it's rawest form, it is just a file on an SD card?by BrendanN - Getting Started
Sorry for this noobie little question :P From what I understand, BootMii is just a file on an SD card.... I have heard from some people that it is a separate piece of hardware you need to order, like a USBGecko kinda.. Which of these is correct? Sorry for being such a noob :]by BrendanN - Getting Started
the owner of the video that was deleted is called "ChaosC57" If you search his name, the video was re uploaded, he deleted it because he gave wrong information.by BrendanN - Getting Started
lol :Pby BrendanN - Homebrew General
I really believe it is legit. Take for example, if you uninstalled your Mario Kart 64 VC. There is still a ticket in your wii for that game. If you had a "backup" copy of transferring the VC game to your SD card, when you put it back in the wii, it shoudl work because the ticket is already installed. If you have never had MK64, it will not allow you to copy it..... Sooo, the problem is rby BrendanN - Homebrew General
I am excited about BootMii It looks really nice :] Can't wait to play with it!by BrendanN - Homebrew General
Yeh what bushing said is something that people should do. If you hate Comex so much for not releasing it..... do it yourself....... Maybe then you will get it before he releases it? Just because this is being released free of charge, everybody feels like they have the right to demand it. Sorry to say this, but patience is a virtue....by BrendanN - Homebrew General
I don't think what you are saying is entirely correct. Yes... Lots of people have been frantic over the release date and asking many upon many questions, but it is not the fact that he said he was making it that made everybody so anxious. It is the fact that he is not releasing any updated on the progress of the exploit. Look at BootMii for example, it's not finished but people aby BrendanN - Homebrew General
QuoteKwartelIf the Homebrew channel doesn't install on a 4.0 virgin wii Mabey we could use this way!! Wad manager 1.3 does work on an 4.0 wii. And Waninkoko just made Wad Creator. If someone make's an WAD from the Homebrew channel and a virgin 4.0 loads Wad manager 1.3 and instals the wad from the hombrew channel... My question is, how do you get WAD Manager on a Wii that doesn'by BrendanN - Homebrew General
Good idea merging the threads :] It will make it all the less confusing :]by BrendanN - Homebrew General
I think that because he said it will be "Tomorrow or the day after" it will not be a month. I reckon we will be Homebrewing on V4.0 within the week! I can't wait :] PS: I bought a SDHC card today in prep for this release!!!by BrendanN - Homebrew General
Mmm.... TBH, I think Bannerbomb is real. I think these rumours are just ways of the people who are also anxious to make up time. The creator of the video I previously posted denies most rumours, but also is unaware about a lot. The first rumors was that it would not work on a wii which updated through nintendo. He updated through nintendo. The second was that you needed HomeBrew befby BrendanN - Homebrew General
Oh. Well that made us all have false hope. How did you find out about this?by BrendanN - Homebrew General
That would be a pain if it is...... Maybe Team Twiizers will release BootMii before then?by BrendanN - Getting Started
Guys Click here for an update! YAY! He say's all that needs fixing is the message! And it will be out soon! yay :]by BrendanN - Homebrew General
o.0 yeah, now that you say it.........by BrendanN - Getting Started
lol. i am sure that it is not so urgent that you can't take it anymore :P just calm down, relax and it will come quicker! soon we will be able to evaluate whether he is for real :] I am off to bed, it is Monday in 10 mins :] Hopefully it will be released (and tested by people) by the time i wake up!!!!!by BrendanN - Homebrew General
Is comex just having us on? Anyway, 1hr 15mins until tomorrow here in Aus...... I guess I will have to wait till tomorrow to see!!!! I am sure comex is just making sure we get a quality exploit which has a minimal chance of bricking our wii's :] isn't that worth the wait??by BrendanN - Getting Started
It will take a bit of time. But expect it to come out late Saturday or Easter! But that doesn't mean I am not anxious!!! It is Easter in Australia, and I woke up with the hope maybe I can use the exploit! Oh well, I just hope this is the real deal, and that it works with 4.0!by BrendanN - Homebrew General
Bother! Oh well! Thanks!!!!by BrendanN - Homebrew Applications
The Title practically says it all. Thank you in advance :]by BrendanN - Homebrew Applications