Thanks! All my questions have been DeeKay - Getting Started
You could use an old GC controller and start there. Use the cable to make some sort of converter so you can actually stick your amiga joystick in your Wii. Don't know if you have to do much hardware modifications to your joystick or that the signals are even the same... Seems to me that you could use the dpad hardware and button A from the GC controller. Look at this thread also: Atari jby DeeKay - Hardware
Thanks for the quick answer! Sorry about the IOS58 mix-up. I already downloaded it (Tantric installer). Does the HackMii installer automatically install as IOS even if I choose to install it as Boot2? Is there an easy way to check this? I would really like to continue using hbc even if one of my kids (accidentally) would choose to DeeKay - Getting Started
Hi, I'm currently on menu 4.1E and have used bannerbomb to install BootMii as Boot2. Then I installed the homebrew channel v1.0.7. It's working perfectly and I can download homebrew over the Wifi. Yesterday I updated to hbc 1.0.8 and then later I read about IOS 38 and the USB2.0 support. My questions: If I choose to install the new official 4.3E menu to get IOS 38, Will I sby DeeKay - Getting Started