Has anyone been able to use tinysmb with a linux samba server? Currently there are three applications that use this library Snes9x GX, FCE Ultra GX, Visual Boy Advance GX. If anyone has gotten one of these to work please post your smb.conf and setting.xml (or fceugx.xml depending on version). Ive tried everything I can think of without success.by linus - Homebrew Applications
Id like to test this out, but there is no file on that link. can you upload the source somewhere?by linus - Coding
Thanks to #wiidev and WinterMac I got the answer to this problem. Thought id post it for other users. The newest version of msys doesnt work with win98 so just replace it with msys-1.0.10by linus - Coding
I have win98 and I installed DevkitPRO using the updater. I think I have all the variables set correctly in autoexec.bat here are the lines I added SET PATH=c:\devkitPro\msys\bin SET DEVKITPPC=/C/devkitPro/devkitPPC SET DEVKITPRO=/C/devkitPro but when I open the template from the wii examples as it says on the wiibrew page and click tools make or Alt+1 this is the output I receive >by linus - Coding
same questions over and overby linus - Homebrew General
QuotetonaRights aren't significant unless you're a large corporation with definite legal power. wow I meant no offense. sometimes people release things without copyrighting them such as the open source movement. I have never noticed any copyrighting information while using the HBC and I thought it might be unrestricted even though no one has released the source. I was trying to make wby linus - Homebrew General
What if you used the HBC wad to create your own channel? I know the source hasnt been released for it but I dont think it is copyrighted. Ive seen some walkthroughs on how to make your own channels and the most consist of using some nand dumper to take at least one channel off your wii then editing its contents. Finally I havent done this yet becuase I dont want to brick my wii and have to buy aby linus - Homebrew General
Ive learned when you use the MIOS hack to launch GC homebrew the DVD is inactivated. Why is this? Any solutions on the horizon? My objective is to use the gamecube version geckoOS/Ocarina WiiRD codes on Original GameCube Games. Not a sd save or backup. Also the Wii version of GeckoOS will apply codes to Wii games but not GC games, even with the new built in reloader. I though GCBooter the wii verby linus - Homebrew General