Also do not forget to check the samplerate of the decoded data, libmad for one does not resample it for you. But I think that asnd can do henke37 - Coding
The problem is that all decoders uses channel 0. And you can't make them not do that with a simple setting, you would need to do some coding to hook them up to asnd henke37 - Coding
You are going to need a mixing library, asnd is the one people are recommending, and you are going to need a decoder library unless you are planing on storing the music uncompressed, there is not much choice between the decoders, there is generally only one that has been hacked up to use asnd for each henke37 - Coding
I could have sworn that someone did this henke37 - Coding
In case you want to use memalign and a nontrivial constructor (but you don't need that here), use placement henke37 - Coding
it is a bitfield. And you can actually just use the existing struct from the henke37 - Coding
Nah, those are quite easy to make up on the spot. It's figuring out the waveforms used that is the hard part. It's just the four core ones, sine-, square-, triangle- and sawtoothwave. If you know how to how stuff on the screen, you can quickly adapt the basic principles of that to generating sound henke37 - Coding
That wouldn't do squat, since this is a linking error and not a compilation henke37 - Coding
Also, in later libogc versions, there is a function to launch the internet channel, if installed, to a specific henke37 - Coding
Yeah, it is the same on all consoles, that have the same framerate. Guess what? Not all consoles are using 60 Hz at all times. Some games did not handle this very well. At least now we have PAL60 to solve that issue. But then again, there is games that explicitly refuse to run in PAL60, they are scared of people paying for their game and using it in another henke37 - Coding
Yeah, it is fairly common to use framerate based timers in simple games. But they are only a good option if you honestly think that the framerate can be archived. And you really need to have an upper limit on the framerate, as old games exampliefies what happens otherwise, they are unplayable!by henke37 - Coding
Personally, I recommend thinking about your choice for the joystick dataformat. Not only can you get an angle, you can also get the real read x and y values. Use whatever that makes your math henke37 - Coding
I have only one thing to add: Never forget that TCP is a stream protocol. This means that you can not assume anything about how the data is received. Buffer everything you have read until you know that you have a full logical unit of data, and don't forget that the buffer might just have more than unit of data in it. For ways to know when a logical unit of data is done, there is three mainby henke37 - Coding
Start a thread with a way high priority, it will be run thanks to some timer irq. Just remember to not do a busy loop, that would stall the rest of the henke37 - Coding
Just don't forget all the telnet protocol features while you are at it. Such as RFC 1097. The telnet protocol actually is a protocol, with some special codes that you need to henke37 - Coding
The priority parameter decides what threads will run if more than one is in the runnable state. Only those with the highest one will run. No, those with lower priorities are never going to run. Of course, threads that isn't runnable (like waiting for I/O) doesn't count against the other henke37 - Coding
Just remember that the exception handler can make extremely few assumptions about the environment. It is not unlikely that the malloc memory heap has been henke37 - Coding
It works by keeping track of state, receiving player actions, doing critical game logic and announcing the henke37 - Coding
It is part of libdb, it will trigger a break in the debugger, if any is connected. If not, it's a no op. It's pretty useful for catching errors as they are about to henke37 - Coding
Don't forget the _break function and the __LINE__ and __FILE__ magic henke37 - Coding
Thanks for wasting two good posts. He wants a ntfs driver ported, nothing henke37 - Coding
True, but how would you get the actual channel number? Surely you need it to do things like henke37 - Coding
Yes it does, when you are the one actually interacting with it. When using one of the mentioned libraries, this is not the henke37 - Coding
I might as well write it once instead of repeating it on IRC. I do not like the current situation for audio file playback. No, I do not dislike the ASND library, in fact, I like that people actually takes advantage of the available resources. The problem here is something else, things that the mixing library does not do. Yes, ASND is a mixing and output library. The problem is not with the ASNby henke37 - Coding
You mean like turning a rectangular brush with black paint around, slowly covering the picture?by henke37 - Offtopic
Even I know that the statement about Linux is quite a big issue, it's simply not true. This looks like it's quite a lot of bogus info, not even I would do this kind of stuff. The goal of this picture is either to show that nintendo uses stock hardware (we know that the gpu is very heavily modified, integrated dsp and what not) so that scenario is not possible. The other scenario would bby henke37 - Hardware
You do know that the wii supports 3 connection profiles and pretty much all common wifi protocols, right?by henke37 - Homebrew General
Who said that he couldn't just build his own .a file?by henke37 - Coding
If you need to know exactly how long the string buffer needs to be, just bring out good old logarithms, log10(number)=number of digits. Just remember to account for the string terminator character henke37 - Coding
I am sure that there was another IP using protocol like tcp, but with packets, and wikipedia seems to know of henke37 - Coding