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Beta Testers

Posted by Arikado 
Beta Testers
October 01, 2009 09:20PM
The people who post here are willing to beta test Wii Homebrew.

If you need your Wii Homebrew beta tested, please PM one of the people here (Or post an open topic in the Testing Corner Forum)

Also feel free to post here in regards to the quality of any of the beta testers.

Beta Testers: No double posting!!! Instead, edit your one, single, post. Double posts will be deleted as they obfuscate other people's posts in the topic.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2009 10:08PM by Arikado.
beta tester
October 01, 2009 07:25AM
I would like to offer myself as a beta tester, im willing to risk my wii or whatever. I have a working nand backup so im ok if my wii bricks.

(Im really bored and i really dont have anything to do)
Re: beta tester
October 01, 2009 08:16AM
I am available as a beta tester for system apps, not necesserally games and that. Emulators are ok.
Nevermind, just utilities and system tools. And games.

I'm back, and somewhat active. Give me anything that doesn't involve Boot2 and I'll test it.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2011 01:46PM by metroid_maniac.
Re: Beta Testers
October 01, 2009 11:10PM
I can test things that may be dangerous. I do prefer not to test games, either. I will test legally made custom channels and emulators.

Edit: Changed my mind about dangerous stuff. :)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2009 02:26PM by gameboy13.
Re: Beta Testers
October 02, 2009 12:36AM
I'm willing to test anything as long as it has no relation to piracy. (e.g., emulators)
Re: Beta Testers
October 03, 2009 10:52AM
I'm willing to test legaly created Channels, Games, and System Tools.
Re: Beta Testers
October 08, 2009 10:45AM
I'm willing to test any and all Wii Homebrew, save for boot2 replacements that aren't Bootmii
Re: Beta Testers
November 12, 2009 01:31AM
I am, yet another, who is willing to test beta homebrew. I have every type of brick precautions set up on my wii.
Re: Beta Testers
November 15, 2009 08:17AM
I will test any homebrew program, and any legally created channels, as long as:

- Its not illigal

I also have NAND backups ready for restoration if needed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2010 07:18AM by hunterm.
Re: Beta Testers
December 18, 2009 03:01AM
I'm available to beta test anything so long as it won't likely brick my Wii. I do have a working NAND backup and bootmii is installed as boot2, so I'm pretty safe.

Also, whatever I'm testing must be legal.
Re: Beta Testers
January 26, 2010 09:59PM
Pick me! :p

Lots of coding and testing experience (see wiibrew.org/wiki/User:Muzer), reach me through e-mail (muzerakascooby AT gmail DOT com), IRC (most #wii* channels that are legal), or Wiibrew Wiki talk page.
Re: Beta Testers
February 22, 2010 02:52PM
I'll test anything as long as I know other people are testing it to (because I do not yet have a working nand backup - I havnt got a large enough SD card and if anyone could reccomend what size I would need that would be good - )

Email = aidan.harris1@gmail.com
Re: beta tester
April 07, 2010 05:32AM
I would like to offer myself as a beta tester, im willing to risk my wii or whatever. I have a working nand backup so im ok if my wii bricks.

(Im really bored and i really dont have anything to do)
Same thing he said. Count me in as a beta tester.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2010 05:33AM by UNSE3N.
Re: Beta Testers
May 09, 2010 05:28AM
ill test anything !!! Illegal or not I love this stuff
Re: Beta Testers
May 12, 2010 12:01AM
ill test anything!!!!!
Re: Beta Testers
June 23, 2010 10:18PM
Beta tester Here!
Will keeep in contact with my developers!
Will look for bugs!
Will test Games! Applications! Tools!
PM me!

Re: Beta Testers
August 30, 2010 02:10AM
i will test anything that won't touch my ios's { can't get bootmii boot2 :( }
Re: Beta Testers
January 31, 2011 06:30PM
I'll test new Nintendo emulators and media centers

gmail is: cjp.technoman@gmail.com

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2011 06:30PM by technoman.
Re: Beta Testers
June 10, 2011 01:13PM
I'll test anything that's "safe" to do bug/glitch checks and so on.

I'd rather test emulators/games and stuff like that :)

Re: Beta Testers
March 26, 2012 01:51AM
I'll test anything!
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