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3 backups made, 3 different problems

Posted by jbaruch76 
3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 28, 2008 06:54PM
ok, so i managed to softmod my wii using guides and what not from this site, everythign has been very helpful. i backed up 3 games i had, mariokart, sam and max, and smash tennis 3. after converting them using the app i had three different problems. first on mariokart, when i try to burn it says somethign about the blocks being the wrong size, i can burn anyway,but haven't tried it yet, figured i would ask here first, especially since the other two burned w/o a problem. sam and max loads fine, in color and everything on my ntsc console, but then when i click to start the first episode it reboots the wii. third is smash court tennis, it loads up but it loads in black and white and the screen shakes i guess would be the right way to tdescribe it. that i am assuming is because i am using the composite cables, and i remember reading somewhere that many games have to be played through component. just wondering if there is some kind of workaround. any help would be appreciated. also i was curious if the region mattered when using the bootloader. can i use pal games on my ntsc console?
Re: 3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 28, 2008 07:18PM
Okay, this has been stated many times and for some reason people STILL can't get it through their heads: PIRACY IS NOT SUPPORTED HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2008 07:22PM by strongfan.
Re: 3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 28, 2008 07:21PM
i don't reacall mentioning piracy. i stated that they are three backups that i MADE from ORIGINAL copies. as long as i ahve the original i am allowed to make a backup of it.

edit: i am assuming you are trying ot say the backup loader is piracy. if that is the case, can you maybe direct me to a forum where this discussion is allowed?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2008 07:28PM by jbaruch76.
Re: 3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 28, 2008 10:15PM
Piracy is not allowed here.

Backup loaders allow piracy.


Edit: If you want a more piracy friendly forum, may I suggest Googling like the rest of us?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2008 10:49PM by Spoom.
Re: 3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 29, 2008 12:58AM
backup loaders do allow piracy, but so does the hbc, it allows it, but it is not necesarily used for piracy.
Re: 3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 29, 2008 01:08AM
Well said jbaruch!
Re: 3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 29, 2008 01:40AM
Agreed. Saying "Backup loaders allow piracy" is a joke on a forum where emulator discussions are the norm. And disclaimers "don't download ROMs to games you don't own" is a joke too: Nintendo states quite explicitly that that is illegal as well. This link has the details.

Now, I have no problem with running homebrew on my wii. But the "party line" on these forums and the wiki is full of contradictions. There needs to be an established policy, which could be one of three choices (at least, three that I can see at a glance).

A) If it can allow piracy, it must be a prohibited topic, which covers both backup loaders and the homebrew channel.

B) If it has non-pirate applications, those can be on topic, which again cover both backup loaders and the homebrew channel (Nintendo's legal document did very carefully avoid accusing self-made backup copies from being legal).

C) Piracy is acceptable, in which case Nintendo may very well start bricking Wiis with the homebrew channel on them. At the very least, I wouldn't place any bets against it.

Re: 3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 29, 2008 01:45AM
Whine whine whine.

1) The rules here say no

2) Nintendo's webpage is not a legal authority for any/all jurisdictions of any government

3) You fail it.
Re: 3 backups made, 3 different problems
October 29, 2008 07:23PM
Agreed. Saying "Backup loaders allow piracy" is a joke on a forum where emulator discussions are the norm. And disclaimers "don't download ROMs to games you don't own" is a joke too: Nintendo states quite explicitly that that is illegal as well. This link has the details.

Now, I have no problem with running homebrew on my wii. But the "party line" on these forums and the wiki is full of contradictions. There needs to be an established policy, which could be one of three choices (at least, three that I can see at a glance).

The "party line" is a myth. We try to be clear about our values and our expectations, but we have no moral obligation to allow any particular line of discussion. Rather, the value of this forum is in the quality of its discussion; the quality of that discussion is directly influenced by what people post, and how we guide discussion. If we don't moderate anything, we end up with gbatemp. If we randomly start deleting shit, nobody will want to post anything anymore. Posting a strict set of rules is the easy solution, but not the best one.
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