While this is a mega-epic flame, it's something that I'd rather respond to than just toss in the trash. I'm moving this to the Feedback forum.
This forum makes no claim to be specifically anti-piracy. We are just generally against that which is illegal--including things which are against the US DMCA. Many of the administrators are anti-piracy, but political ideals and personal beliefs about these things are just one type rationalization for that which trumps them--Anti-illegality rules.
Emulator talk is very little, and we certainly don't allow talk about "teh romz" and whatnot. You'll also notice that most of the community ignores posts like those.
Of course, emulators in themselves aren't illegal, but can be used illegally. However, there are other rationales for their acceptance that puts them above "backup loaders."
Coding an emulator, and coding for an emulated system, is actually a very educational experience--whereas "loading backups" generally isn't. The interesting topics that overlap with a backup loader can be easily discussed without even the nuance of loading backups--various protocols and IOS modules. Reverse engineering a platform is much more specifically interesting, and implementing code to translate one platform's functions to another quite the project.
Also, the thread you mentioned was asking for support with a backup loader. If you were taking your time to discuss forum politics on that thread, you were certainly not posting in the right place. And, it's certainly not "out of sight, out of mind." It's set in the junkyard, to set an example in hopes that others may stop to think before they try to do something so blatantly stupid.
But, again, all rationales aside: The rules say no. That's all that matters. In the end, it is our website. Being able to post here is a privilege. We can give it, we can take it away. We make no claims to neutrality, or any other position besides the very explicit rules stated.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2008 06:11PM by tona.