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Problem with Wii Shop Channel

Posted by Sanjiyan 
Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 09, 2009 10:19PM
So half a year back I was on 3.4U, and I got into homebrew at that point. I used the twilight hack and installed dvdx, homebrew channel, gekko, and some other stuff I can't remember.

Sometime in february, I found out that the wii shop channel doesn't work anymore and required me to update, so instead I used Tona's shop updater and got it working.

Yesterday, I found wii's shop channel stopped working again, so I tried the same shop updater again but afterwards instead of asking me to update the system, when I load the channel it just reboots back into the wii menu.

Basically, I'm looking for a new shop updater, is there one available that works? What should I do? I feel like I messed up my wii somehow, so I was thinking about just using system update and going to 4.0 then using bannerbomb, but with the current stuff installed I'm afraid it might make things worse. Is there a way to completely revert the wii back to it's pristine, unmodded state? Is it recommended or necessary?

Sorry about all that, but all this wii softmodding and IOS this and that is so confusing. I'm still trying to figure it all out.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 09, 2009 10:26PM
Uh... nevermind. I should've checked the "getting started" section. It totally just answered my question. 4.0 + WiiSCU + bannerbomb and new DVDx and reinstalling Homebrew channel here I come.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 09, 2009 10:26PM
Well, you should be able to just use WiiSCU to update IOS 60 and 61 and update the Shop Channel, but really, there is no need to do that. Just update your Wii to 4.0. You will lose nothing from updating. I just updated my Wii from 3.4 to 4.0 this evening. You will lose no features from 3.4. You will not need to use bannebomb because HBC is already installed so doesn't need installed again. There is no need to return your wii to an unmodded state, nor is it recommended to do so. Just go ahead and update. All homebrew will still work fine, and HBC will still be there.


Uh... nevermind. I should've checked the "getting started" section. It totally just answered my question. 4.0 + WiiSCU + bannerbomb and new DVDx and reinstalling Homebrew channel here I come.

Uh, what? If you update to 4.0, you need NONE of that stuff. Except perhaps the new dvdx, but it isnt necessary. WiiSCU is only useful on lower firmwares as it allows you to install parts of the 4.0 update, and if you're on 4.0, you have it all. Bannerbomb lets you install HBC, which you already have so you dont need that. New dvdx, isnt really necessary, the old one is fine, although you may as well update. Reinstalling HBC is VERY unnesssecary as you will still have HBC.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2009 10:28PM by SifJar.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 09, 2009 10:30PM
You can use WiiSCU to update channels with the required IOS.

SifJar posted before I finished. :-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2009 10:31PM by yellowstar.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 09, 2009 10:30PM
Sweet, that's even simpler.
I might reinstall DVDx (assuming 4.0 stops the older version from working) and new gekko loader (whatever it's called now) and maybe bootmii, since it sounds like it's a good idea to backup the NAND in case Nintendo ever decides to brick people's Wii's with 4.1.

Or am I just overthinking it? I'm happy that the HBC still works though. One less problem to deal with.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 09, 2009 10:31PM
You can use WiiSCU to update channels with the required IOS.

...or just update to 4.0. There's no point in stating on 3.4. 4.0 has more features and you lose nothing in terms of homebrew.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 09, 2009 10:36PM
Old DVDx still works, as does Gecko OS (although you may as well have the latest versions of both, should be less bugs).

I highly doubt Nintendo will ever intentionally brick Wiis because they have HBC, but still I'd advise getting BootMii and a NAND dump just in case. However, if Nintendo do decide to brick Wiis, they'll have a lot of problems on their hands. It'll probably be much easier for them not to.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 10, 2009 04:53PM
in case Nintendo ever decides to brick people's Wii's with 4.1..
I'm very, very, very sick of hearing this idea. Nintendo will never intentionally brick your Wii. If they do, you can sue them. (And they know that.)
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
July 10, 2009 05:14PM
in case Nintendo ever decides to brick people's Wii's with 4.1..
I'm very, very, very sick of hearing this idea. Nintendo will never intentionally brick your Wii. If they do, you can sue them. (And they know that.)

Nintendo, please brick my wii so I can sue you :-)
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
September 30, 2009 03:25AM
My Wii is 3.2 and I don't want to update it to 4.0 since there is a theme installed and I don't want to risk bricking it. What IOS's need to be updated/installed for the shop channel to work? I am having the same problem with it going back to the system menu when you start the Shop Channel.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
September 30, 2009 03:41AM
Edit: Nevermind....

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2009 03:54AM by WaxyPumpkin72.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
October 01, 2009 04:11AM
Never mind. I used Dop-IOS MOD to install IOS 61 and everything works fine now.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
October 01, 2009 04:21AM
in case Nintendo ever decides to brick people's Wii's with 4.1..
I'm very, very, very sick of hearing this idea. Nintendo will never intentionally brick your Wii. If they do, you can sue them. (And they know that.)

so people can sue nintendo about the 4.2 bricks, cool :)
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
October 01, 2009 07:03PM
in case Nintendo ever decides to brick people's Wii's with 4.1..
I'm very, very, very sick of hearing this idea. Nintendo will never intentionally brick your Wii. If they do, you can sue them. (And they know that.)

so people can sue nintendo about the 4.2 bricks, cool :)

No. They didnt intentionally brick anyone's wii, they just made crap code which resulted in bricks. And as for the error 003 thing - i have no idea what thats about, have just heard people mention it, not sure if thats a brick or what...
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
October 02, 2009 03:27AM
so people can only sue them if for example they released a firmware version thats only bricks people with homebrew installed
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
October 02, 2009 04:59AM
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
December 31, 2011 12:19PM
Um, Arikado, or Sif, or anyone whos around, WiiBrew's saved my life more than once with my semi bricked wii and whatnot, but i just updated my shop channel and installed IOS60 and IOS61 with the Trucha bug, but going to the Shop Channel STILL takes me back to Health and Safety. Pls help if you can......
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
December 31, 2011 02:42PM
The latest shop channel uses IOS 56.
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
January 01, 2012 01:04PM
soooo....you saying dat i use dop mii and install ios56 and apply all the patches? i'll get the wad on my sd card n try, thanx a lot! btw dop mii will only brick you if you UNINSTALL any ios below 200 from it right? no other way right?
Re: Problem with Wii Shop Channel
January 01, 2012 01:07PM
Don't apply any patches. I don't see why you did in the first place either. Also, you don't need the WAD on your SD card, DOP-Mii can download it for you.
DOP-Mii can only brick if you remove the System Menu or its IOS.
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