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I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...

Posted by elmoreas 
I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 24, 2010 12:26AM
Hey all, I will not post the link because it is a pirate site obviously. I accidently found it while trying to find some more free, legit, homebrew games.

Anyways they were selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/BannerBomb/Bootmii/and packages of illegal apps and games.

Where can I report this site to without getting myself involved? Also how do I notify the makers of things like hackmii/bootmii that their stuff is being sold without their permission and tell them where so they can take action? Given the big sign during install I am surprised these people can get away with it, but they must. This really annoys me and I want to do something about it, so if someone knows something I can do please tell me. Thanks.

Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 24, 2010 03:16AM
All of them are free. Charging for it is a sure sign if it's supposed to be free.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 24, 2010 04:38AM
If they are using paypal to manage money, you can report it to them.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 24, 2010 10:32AM
Taken care of, thanks.

Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 28, 2010 12:06AM
Can you let me know who to turn to, as I've also found a site attempting to sell Hackmii/HBC, backup loaders etc.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 28, 2010 12:29AM
Make a list of each game or app maker whose stuff is being sold and then try to find their websites. When you do, find the contacts section and find their email address and then make up a one time use yahoo email account and send them each an email saying what you found with a link to the site, and say you found it by accident and wanted to let them know so they could take action to stop these people. That is what I did it only took about an 30 minutes to do so it was no big deal. I would give you the email addresses but I didn't keep them other than the one for Hackmii/Bootmii but it is easy to find. Hope this helps.

Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 28, 2010 02:20AM
Make a list of each game or app maker whose stuff is being sold and then try to find their websites. When you do, find the contacts section and find their email address and then make up a one time use yahoo email account and send them each an email saying what you found with a link to the site, and say you found it by accident and wanted to let them know so they could take action to stop these people. That is what I did it only took about an 30 minutes to do so it was no big deal. I would give you the email addresses but I didn't keep them other than the one for Hackmii/Bootmii but it is easy to find. Hope this helps.


Huh ... why hide under a fake email address? I'd like to hear if my apps are being sold and there's no reason to hide, or for that matter why hide when emailing paypal or the sites selling homebrew.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 28, 2010 07:51AM
I just wanted to stay out of the middle of it, in case it went to court I didnt want to have to be called to court to testify like a hundred times. Nothing sinister, its just that I didn't want to get "THAT" involved in their affairs. My dad is a lawyer so chalk it up to being overly cautious about covering by butt and keeping my self out of the middle of things as best I can. Its probably just me worrying about nothing but stranger things have happened and I really don't want stuck in the middle of a nasty court battle, been there once and it sucked, not keen to do it again. Talk to you all later.

Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 29, 2010 02:23AM
Well really you aren't out of the middle of it, if they really wanted to find who sent them the email, and be able to call you to court for witness, they can trace the ip address for that so called hidden email address you used. You would be surprised how they can find people nowadays. Its how here in oklahoma they found a missing person was by her cell phone, they were able to use the last tower it was used by and in the area and searched and found her and her car in a ditch. So there really ain't much to being hidden anymore.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 29, 2010 04:44AM
I am fully aware of todays tracking technology and that all I did was put up a nusiance barrier, but that is all I intended to put up. If I wanted to put up more I would have or I would have just not contacted them. Looks lets get back on topic here. So what, I used a one time email address to send tips to legit sites that their stuff was being pirated, Big Deal. Who Cares. Stop raking me over the coals for using a one time address just because I wanted to TRY to stay out of the middle as best I could while still doing something about piracy. I think given this sites stance on piracy that others would be coming to my defense and saying "Hey, he was doing the right thing at least, leave it alone!", but no. Since it is me, no one cares or comes to my defense and I am left swinging in the breeze for the vultures to pick at just because I did the right thing but tried to do it anonomously. Leave me alone about it for Pete's Sake.....

Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 29, 2010 04:58AM
Hey, he was doing the right thing at least, leave it alone!

Does that make you feel better? I believe you did the right thing, don't really understand multiple e-mail addresses, but you still did the right thing.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 29, 2010 05:05AM
I was just saying and making a point, that nobody can really hide if you use a computer or telephone. I wasn't raking you over the coals. Isn't it the whole point of having forums is to have conversation about things, and have discussions? Good for what you did, most people wouldn't take the time to report things like that, because most the time nothing will ever be done, at least from where I am from, even if they wanted to they wouldn't know what do. Its why most cases like this go undealt with and people get away with it. But with the advanced technology could be a bad thing for them since they can be traced through ip address as well. Sorry for pointing something out.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 29, 2010 06:06AM
For what it's worth, little can be done unless you find someone willing to sue. DMCA notices are useless because they only apply to hosting services, and they just switch servers (I've sent dozens, hasn't done much good). Clickbank and Plimus and friends are apparently happy to sell you illegal crap as long as they get their cut of the money, and their "affiliate" schemes are just about designed to encourage the sneakiest and scammiest marketing methods, including search engine spamming. I spent months talking with Clickbank and Plimus and eventually they just ignored me.

It'd be nice if some lawyer came forward and volunteered to at least send some nasty snail-mail letters, but no one has.

Anyway, ever since 4.2 they're pretty fucked since they no longer have a way of bypassing our scamscreen (on prior versions they were able to use warez tools to install a warezed HBC, warez WiiWare style). I'm pretty pissed about the hundreds of thousands of dollars they've made until then and at our expense (yes, the figures are that high), but whatever they're making now has to come from complete morons if they can't be bothered to realize that they've been scammed after seeing the warning screen.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
January 29, 2010 08:00AM
Thank you for at least saying I did the right thing, and sorry for going off but it felt like I was being attacked for wanting to try to stay somewhat anonomous, even though it is unlikely I could if they really wanted to track me down. I appologize if I offended anyone, that was not my intent, I just felt cornered and didn't like it. Anyways I am sorry.

I figured there is little that could be done but at least they are aware of the site. By the way my Dad is a lawyer and a prosecutor for the state I live in. If someone knows who and what he should write I am sure he would be more than willing in his offical duties to send a letter notifying the proper authorities of the offending site so they could take action.

All I need to know is what he needs to say and who he needs to say it to, plus what law enforcement agency he should send it to and the department of that agency it should be made attention to and I will have him write up a snail mail letter notifying them. I will have him notify them of the site I found but if you guys are aware of others PM them to me if that is allowed, don't post them as that would be bad as someone looking for a pirate site could use it to their advantage, and I will have him include that in the letter so the most number of sites possible can be reported.

If it is not allowed or it is considered inappropriate to send those links that is fine, as I have at least one site he can report. If you guys could just tell me the info I asked for earlier I will call him tomorrow and talk to him about it. Being a State's Prosecutor he deals mostly with organized crime, gangs, drugs, and homicides; so he has little experience with piracy, but I am sure he would be willing to do this provided all he had to do was write a few letters.

Talk to you all later, Sorry again for the rant, I appologize.

Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
February 01, 2010 02:05AM
Can you let me know who to turn to, as I've also found a site attempting to sell Hackmii/HBC, backup loaders etc.
Felix, that's a scam too.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
February 01, 2010 03:26AM
Can you let me know who to turn to, as I've also found a site attempting to sell Hackmii/HBC, backup loaders etc.
Felix, that's a scam too.
Yeah that's the point. He wants to report the scam.......
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
February 01, 2010 03:27AM
Can you let me know who to turn to, as I've also found a site attempting to sell Hackmii/HBC, backup loaders etc.
Felix, that's a scam too.

That's what he was saying. Before you correct someone try to read the entire topic.
Re: I just found a site selling HBC/Hackmii/DVDx/Bannerbomb etc...
February 04, 2010 01:10AM
Yep, never mind, found out that it was a known one all along. A friend of mine thought he'd have to pay to set up homebrew on his Wii, so I pointed him to Wiibrew and told him not to pay for anything.
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