I was running 4.0 & homebrew working fine, but then a few days ago, every time i clicked on the homebrew channel, it just went to a blank screen & I kept having to unplug power to restart it, ie it no longer came up with the floating bubbles screen anymore, nor no apps showed etc.
I figured i would upgrade to 4.3u (Pal/Euro), so did all that & followed all the right ways to allow the homebrew channel to be reinstalled, which I did via lego indianna jones etc, did the whole game save thing & all worked fine, & installed the homebrew channel & then the bootmii etc, then exited out, but then when it tries to load the homebrew channel I get the exact same thing, it just sits on a blank screen & hangs there.
I have the homebrew channel on the main menu, so it has installed it okay, it is only when I try & open it, that it hangs there on a blank screen.
I'm not sure what is wrong, I've read a heap of this forum & sounds like maybe a ios is wrong, but even if someone told be what i need to do, how can I do this when I can't open the homebrew channel to load any wad or bootmii etc to fix this problem, any info would be great & very much appreciated.
So in short, I have the homebrew channel installed & it shows in the menu, it's when I click on it & then click the start button, it just sits ojn a blank screen & the remote turns off, everytime I press the A button to turn the remote back on, it just keeps seraching, but never lights up.
Kind Regards,
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 10:24PM by stormgod.