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Mac version of NUSD

Posted by TopGun96 
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 22, 2009 05:53PM
You know how you told me to use NUS WAD packer.... its an exe too :(
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 22, 2009 06:03PM
Sorry triple post but...... bootcamp is intel only! :(
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 22, 2009 06:36PM
NUS WAD Packer is a python script. It's compiled to an .exe for Windows, but its cross platform as a python script.
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 22, 2009 07:39PM
Holding down C doesnt work... im at a total loss... could someone please just port it?

It doesn't work because you're trying to boot a disc made for an Intel-based-x86 Processor instead of a PowerPC processor. Even if you did burn a linux distro for PPC, it'd be no good anyway, because NUSD is still written right now for Intel-Based processors, long short and ugly dude, it's not gonna happen right now. None of us here are interested enough to port it because either A) We have a Windows PC laying around somewhere, or B) We're not experienced enough as far as coding goes
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 22, 2009 09:50PM
alright thanks... hey (i know its GBAtemp) but does the mac version of this work?
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 22, 2009 10:16PM
alright thanks... hey (i know its GBAtemp) but does the mac version of this work?

that's NUS WAD Packer, and I'm also getting a "wrong architecture" error, which leads me to believe that it was compiled on an intel mac as an intel mac binary, and therefore must be run on one. If I had the source, or any experience with compiling Python apps, I could probably make a PPC binary for us, I can't see it as being too hard, considering Python in and of itself is cross platform, it's just that the executables used to run the python scripts isn't
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 22, 2009 10:22PM
The world seems to hate macs... Old ones anyway
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 23, 2009 03:22AM
The world seems to hate macs... Old ones anyway

eh, not back when they were good computers, but then they became intel computers, and it became the hip thing to have, now every hipster in the world has one, and we all know hipsters are valuable to society, so we have to take care of the hipsters, so intel macs get supported.... Sorry, I hate hipsters...yet I pretty much am one =(
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 23, 2009 03:30AM
I'm confused yet somehow I agree with you. Weird :P
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 23, 2009 03:52AM
I'm confused yet somehow I agree with you. Weird :P

Yeah, I couldn't exactly word that one clearly. yeah, I kept trying to figure out how to word it properly... I can't... also, don't forget to mentally add /s tags to parts of my other post
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 24, 2009 06:42PM
Have you tried wii.py? Just install Python, then use a terminal to fire commands at wii.py. The usage is on the wiki page and it looks reasonably straight-forward. It has many more features, but it can also download stuff from NUS and pack it as a WAD.

EDIT: Oops, looks like I read it wrong. You need to make python apps to use it I think. My bad. But it doesnt look too hard.

EDIT: Just realised, NUS WAD Packer uses this. So um, ignore what I said. Just use NUS WAD Packer, it should work for you.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2009 06:45PM by SifJar.
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 24, 2009 10:54PM
wasnt it just said that NUS WAD packer wouldnt work on my PPC mac? or did i misunderstand what you said Sif Jar?
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 24, 2009 11:11PM
what SifJar is saying is that we'd have to grab the NUS WAD Packer source and compile a new app. I'd do this, but the computer I'd do it on is out of commission, so I'm stuck in the mud with being useful to any coding productivity
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 25, 2009 10:57PM
could you give me a step by step guide on how using xcode? (sorry lot of work)
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 25, 2009 11:06PM
Have you guys tried Update Downloader? You should be able to use it I think as Mac is based on Unix. You can find it here [wiibrew.org]. You just need to install the GCC, make and wget packages (dont know how you'd do this on a Mac), then open a terminal and head to the update downloader folder and type make. Then you follow the instructions on the page (click Manual for making in Windows, at the end it gives usage instructions). It should work for you. But I dont think it'll pack it to a WAD, and I think it'll be decrypted, so you may still have some work to do, so it may not be the best option.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2009 11:07PM by SifJar.
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 25, 2009 11:10PM
oooooohhh... probably not sorry! but thanks for the suggestion! I am going to try just compiling the source of NUSD and NUS WAD packer.
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 25, 2009 11:16PM
I dont think NUSD will compile, IIRC it uses .NET. Could be wrong though. And I only realised when I'd almost finished typing the post it doesnt pack to WADs and it decrypts, and I didnt want to throw away a whole big post =D
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 25, 2009 11:45PM
Yes it does require .NET :( I guess the NUS WAD Packer source is the way to go.... now, how to compile with Xcode...?
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 25, 2009 11:57PM
LOL I cant even find the source. Can anyone help?
Re: Mac version of NUSD
August 26, 2009 12:39AM
Have you guys tried Update Downloader? You should be able to use it I think as Mac is based on Unix. You can find it here [wiibrew.org]. You just need to install the GCC, make and wget packages (dont know how you'd do this on a Mac), then open a terminal and head to the update downloader folder and type make. Then you follow the instructions on the page (click Manual for making in Windows, at the end it gives usage instructions). It should work for you. But I dont think it'll pack it to a WAD, and I think it'll be decrypted, so you may still have some work to do, so it may not be the best option.

I think I have the Update Downloader up and running, I'm just installing wget right now (VNCing to my dev mac), I'll see how it goes in a moment, and then possibly post binaries

EDIT: [ifile.it] PPC Mac binary of Update Downloader with wget (and instructions on how to install wget). I haven't played with it too much, but no, it does not make WADs but it could still prove useful to mac users)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2009 12:54AM by cactusjack901.
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