Also, if you load an app that requires ES_Identify through bannerbomb, you don't need any patching. Bannerbomb loads the app with system menu permissions. This has some exeptions though, like priiloader. Priiloader requires IOS70 to be trucha signed if it is loaded via bannerbomb Marth21 - Getting Started
Patching it to IOS61 will turn it upside down. Patching it to IS36 is perfectly Marth21 - Getting Started
you took it out and the write protection switch slid. It has happened to me countless Marth21 - Getting Started
you must patch es_identify to IOS36. To do this, you need the trucha bug. Downgrading IOSs does nothing but Marth21 - Getting Started
Yes, it will. It will not delete the latest ones Marth21 - Getting Started
You need ES_DIVerify to get AnyTitleDeleter to boot. If you don't know how to patch ES_Identify, check out a post called ES_DIVerify help ;)by Marth21 - FixMii
Try a savemii with the respective tools. I did it with my wii and it Marth21 - FixMii
It is perfectly safe to update. Just make sure you download the latest bootmii dvdx and Marth21 - Getting Started
If you don't delete every stage, the game will crash. Some data might also be Marth21 - Getting Started
Listen. After not so much research, i got priiloader, bootmii boot2, HBC, DVDx, gecko OS, and all that other good homebrew stuff. 4.2 is not anything to be frustated about. If you want the cIOS though for 4.2, TOO BAD! I also used AnyRegion changer to downgrade, but i upgraded back because 3.2 is a horrible menu with no sd Marth21 - Homebrew General
Use bannerbomb v2. bannerbomb v1 will appear as a question mark on the sd Marth21 - Getting Started
I had the Network problem too. I am not sure how to fix it. I turned my wii on one day and it fixed itself. As for the emulator, don't extract the zip files for the games. keep them in. Also make sure you are saving the games to the ROMS folder inside of fceugx folder in the root of your Marth21 - Getting Started
here is a better set of instructions (less confusing): Download the savegame installer and savegame extrector. put animal crossing in and copy the data. move the sd card to your computer and copy the RUUE filder inside of WIISAVES to a safe place. run actoolkit and edit your town. Make sure to press apply before you exit out of editing the town, shop, or pockets. Then click file and savby Marth21 - Offtopic
well starting from now on, if you don't like a question, or just don't feel like answering it (namely, mine) you don't have to respon if you don't want to. btw, all i asked was for you to move the Marth21 - Offtopic
You must create the apps folder as apps not any of these: Apps aPPs AppS etc. it is case sensitive. you can als download them from the homebrew browserby Marth21 - Getting Started
you need to extract the zip file before using the app!by Marth21 - Getting Started
You don't NEED to respond, Arikado. If you don't want to answer a question, you don't have Marth21 - Offtopic
I am, yet another, who is willing to test beta homebrew. I have every type of brick precautions set up on my Marth21 - Testing Corner
that makes sense. I didn't know that it was such a popular question! I thought that it had never been asked before!by Marth21 - Offtopic
It will be placed in a folder called WIISAVES on the root of your sd. Inside will be RUUE for animal crossing. Open RVforest.dat with actollkit and begin editing. (but i think you knew that)by Marth21 - Getting Started
I was doing some deep thinking. Don't ask me why. i just was. How come disscussion of emulators is allowed but disscussion of roms isnt. If emulators are used to play roms, then are't they both illegal in the same way? Move this post to offtopic Marth21 - Offtopic
This isnt in the forum rules. I read them twice. but i want to know if it is illegal to download save games to your sd to have a completed game Marth21 - Getting Started
You could also place the rom in the snes9xGX file on the root of your Marth21 - Getting Started
Get the installer and extractor as seperate apps. it works wothout cIOS. And you dont have to delete your old Marth21 - Offtopic
It has beariong on TP hack and bannerbomb v1! And HBC and DVDXby Marth21 - Getting Started
You have to use the newest version of bannerbomb. you are using the one for SM 4.0 or 4.1by Marth21 - Getting Started