I have a question about bootmii. this is just to clear things up. I have heard that it is impossible to install bootmii as boot2 on SM 4.2. I did install it. Is this an unusual happening?by Marth21 - Getting Started
try searching under IOSsby Marth21 - Getting Started
You run it through your exploit. the thing you used to run the HackMii installer.by Marth21 - Getting Started
I'd rather wait for an update. i dont trust even the most highly trusted or reccomended cIOS.by Marth21 - Getting Started
OMG! IT WORKED! Thanks for all your help. One more question though. How do i access the priiloader menu?by Marth21 - Getting Started
I can only patch it to IOS36 with the app i have. How do i patch it to IOS70?by Marth21 - Getting Started
This is what i did. I took the private folder of bannerbomb and the boot.dol file of the instaler to the root of my sd. I then ran priiloader installer and pressed plus. I get a few things that say OK! then i get Is IOS70 trucha signed?, aborting mission. A few seconds later... Exception (DSI) occurred! When do i get a continue anyway option.by Marth21 - Getting Started
It didnt ask me to continue anyway. it said Is IOS70 trucha signed? aborting mission. Then an exception DSI occured.by Marth21 - Getting Started
The Priiloader installer says i need to have a trucha enabled IOS70. I loaded it via the bannerbomb exploit. I also ugraded back to 4.2 because 3.2 had nothing to offer.by Marth21 - Getting Started
Whare can i find out how to read a coding language (C++)?by Marth21 - Getting Started
I need to patch trucha on IOS70. Any ideas?by Marth21 - Getting Started
How do i create my own custom homebrew for the wii?by Marth21 - Getting Started
I was on 4.2. then i realized, WHAT GOOD IS THIS! so i swiched back to 4.2by Marth21 - Getting Started
It says "the compressed (zip) file is invalid or corrupted"by Marth21 - Getting Started
what system menu version do you have? (check by going into the options menu and looking in the top right-hand corner)by Marth21 - FixMii
This is caused by al low-level faliure of boot0, boot1, boot2, or NAND. You can fix this using savemii and the correct modifications. I am also trying to fix a black screen brick without a savemii, but so far i have no results.by Marth21 - FixMii
I am not to sure how to fix this type of brick without savemii, though i am trying on one of my wii's that are bricked like yours.by Marth21 - FixMii
This could be caused by a low level faliure of boot0 boot1 boot2 or NAND. Your wii can be fixed using savemii, but it will require some modifications.by Marth21 - FixMii
I updated back to 4.2. Priiloader has a corrupt zip file, so i can't download it. please help!by Marth21 - Getting Started
Is there a way to upgrade again? Never mind.by Marth21 - Getting Started
I downgraded via tona's anyregion changer because i thought it would help. will it help?by Marth21 - Getting Started
I Downgraded via tona's AnyRegion Changer. Does that make any difference?by Marth21 - Getting Started
did you try reinstalling the latest IOS30?by Marth21 - Getting Started