QuoteKNekoSpyI CAN run SSBB, just not Other M. I had a problem similar to this, SSBB would work, but Other M and even GH: WT wouldn't. I fixed it somehow, but (sorry) I don't remember how. It was definitely not a problem with the laser, though, cuz all the games work fine now.by Hollow_Dragonite - FixMii
I f'ed up my Wii. I stupidly tried to restore a Bootmii backup from one Wii to another without converting it. I fixed most of the problems I caused, but the Shop Channel and some online features freeze it (i.e., exiting from GH: WT or SSBB after being online). I have tried removing my account and formatting my Wii, plus creating a new NAND with ohneschwanzenegger, but still nothing. I camby Hollow_Dragonite - FixMii
Hello, everyone. I just recently bought a Wii off of my friend because the disk drive stopped working in the one I already have. I was planning on moving my save data and channel stuff by using bootmii. I made the backup just fine and "converted it" using punetwiin. I can restore it to my new Wii just fine, but when I leave the Shop Channel (which doesn't work) or the Internet Channel, or whby Hollow_Dragonite - BootMii Beta
Actually, I figured it out. You can convert them with two programs. You need to use GCNcrypt to decrypt the AR code, then use GCN AR to WiiRD CodeType Converter by James0x57 to turn them into Ocarina codes!! However, you also need a master code like an AR, but I'm not sure if this process will work for them, because I got the MP one on the WiiRD forums. Update: Ahh, no go. Pokemon Colosby Hollow_Dragonite - Cheat Codes
What? I dont understand what you mean.by Hollow_Dragonite - Cheat Codes
Doesnt help for people w/protected saves. Oh well. Thanks for the info.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
I have found a way to use Ocarina codes with GC games, however, the method isnt supported here, so I wont mention it. Anyways, I found an AR code for Metroid Prime, and have been unable to get it to work. Can someone verify if its a real AR code, and if it is, convert it into an Ocarina code, and make a txt/cht file for it? Here is the code: Unlock Metroid Fusion Bonuses (Press Z+X an Main Menby Hollow_Dragonite - Cheat Codes
How are you launching Gecko? Is it the same? Cuz I also have 4.3 and it works fine, but I launch it from The Homebrew Channel.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
I know its been a month since the last message, but its not that old, and its better than starting another topic about this. Anyways, are there any that transfer saves on official memory cards? Cuz Im pretty sure those dont. Especially since they dont work for meby Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
QuoteMagilTried renaming "dmp" to "dmp_alpha" and no go. Not what I meant. It was supposed to be dmp, not the other. Should have cleared that up earlier. QuoteMagilOh, and about your flashdrive... have you updated HBC to the latest version, and also install IOS58? I've been having several issues with several USB devices as well ever since I updated HBC and installed IOS58 Yes, for both,by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Did u check the name of the folder? cuz when I downloaded it from the website, it was named dmp_alpha or something, instead of just dmp. I doubt this is why it doesnt work for u, but at least someone is trying to help you. I still need help.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Either no one else has this problem, or no one uses this app, but the newest version of DMP wont detect my flashdrive. The previous version detects it and plays most of my music fine, but the newest version only shows my sd card. Any help/tips?by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
They aren't 7zipped, just regular. I tried but it still froze. Plus, the other two levels that you can play when you reach that point in the game freeze, too. So, its either the rom, or the emulator. I'll try it on the pc. If it still freezes, then its either the rom I'm using or the emulator just doesn't support it. If it doesn't, then the port doesn't support it.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Once again, the emulator is causing problems. Not that it's not a very good emulator, in fact its my favorite. Anyways, when playing warioware inc: mega microgames, during 9-volts stage, there is a minigame(s) that causes vba to freeze. I have played some minigames on that stage before it freezes, so it cant be the stage. Although, it might not even be called freezing, as once the words AVOIby Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Under revision 154, I tried three games: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is playable, but is slow. Ace Attorney Investigators Miles Edgeworth loads, but gives a black screen upon selecting episode. Apollo Justice Ace Attorney doesn't work, shows a white screen when loaded.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Hey, I have a couple of questions about the emulators on this web site. 1. Which ones support games in a .zip folder? 2. Does each game have to be in a separate folder, or can they all be in one? 3. If the games are in a .zip folder, will I still be able to use my saves, or will I have to move them into the same folder as the game, or will I have to use brand new saves? Thanks in advaby Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Hane you checked to see if your sd card is compatible?by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Not that I'm an expert or anything, but do you have anything plugged into the usb ports? The Megaman Battle Network games and Castlevania games crash frequntly on me, but only when my usb is plugged in or my zune is charging.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Yeah, i guess. Thanks for explaining, AND the advice! :Pby Hollow_Dragonite - BootMii Beta
What do u mean it will do me no good? and why would installing the NAND backup be dangerous? BTW, I can install BootMii as boot2, but my siblings dont know what it is, so I dont.by Hollow_Dragonite - BootMii Beta
I did, but still nothing. Or am I supposed to re-install the cIOS after installing DVDX? Never mind. I used DOP-IOS MOD and the report it gave me showed IOS 202 had trucha, identity, NAND, and flash, but not usb 2.0. I had re-installed IOS 202 because when it didn't work, I deleted it. However, this time I installed it using the installer from WiiXplorer, but I don't think that matteby Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Ok, so I've must have done something wrong, because I installed the cios and downloaded mplayer ce from the homebrew browser and it still froze!! I went to the google page and got "hermes cIOS_Installer.rar", extracted it, and and launched and no problems came up, so that cant be it.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
When you save in-game in VBA GX, when does it actually save? Bcuz I have had VBA GX crash and lose all my work, but I've also had it save over my game when opening an old save state. It's really confusing.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Well, is it possible to take out ur sd card after launching BootMii and use another, or is it impossible due to the files on the original?by Hollow_Dragonite - BootMii Beta
Recently, I installed BootMii as an IOS, and I was wondering if i could make a NAND backup on a usb, or is it only possible for a sd card? Thanks.by Hollow_Dragonite - BootMii Beta
This is worse. I can't even see anything, even the code dump, bcuz the screen blurs until it returns 2 the Homebrew Channel.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
Quotejbc007Dop-IOS Mod and cIOS Patchmii Installer are completely different, neither can be considered better. Ooops. My bad. Quotejbc007Many of the features of Dop-IOS Mod require a trucha bugged IOS, which it can patch for you. I think that is all I really need. Thanks for your help!!by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
If this is considered cIOS or it is in the wrong area, I am sorry. I would like to know which is better: Dop-IOS MOD or CIOS Patchmii Installer. I would also like to if any of those two can safely run and install on a system menu version 4.2u, and if they can how to do this.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
This is getting way off topic. QuoteWikiFSXJust use Code Downloader, it actually works. I know, but I like MegaCodeDownloader better, no offense to the makers of Code Downloaderby Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications
ok thanks. i thought my wii was messing up or i needed to install an cIOS or something. however, i have been able to download an old version off of my friends computer and it freezes when it says requesting game list.by Hollow_Dragonite - Homebrew Applications