cool, can`t wait to test it :) EDIT: i found a bug on the news-button, here`s a fixed JussiPik - Homebrew General
now i gotta go to bed, if you need anything else, just post here and ill do what you want when i wake up.if i wake up JussiPik - Homebrew General
yeah, sure, just give me a few minutes. :) EDIT: here ya go, if you want any changes, let me know. wiiconnect gui imagesby JussiPik - Homebrew General
what do you think of this design i made?by JussiPik - Homebrew General
whaaaat?...i don`t understand, source JussiPik - The Junkyard
yeah this is awesome, i`m having problems getting this Q2Rev to work. anyone can help me?by JussiPik - Offtopic
yeah, i just started study c-language and i can make a simple programs with`s actually JussiPik - Homebrew Applications
the last rev in is 474...and it has been last updated in...feb 23. so for 1 month theres no update.i hope they have made it working correctly.i wanna play goldeneye!! ;Dby JussiPik - Homebrew Applications
the quake3 source is released? sorry, i have been living under a huge pile of rocks. why hasn`t it ported to wii already?is there somekind of a problem with it?by JussiPik - Ideas, requests
so is there any clue when next release will come downloadable? before summer?next month?by JussiPik - Homebrew Applications