I know it was biased, I didn't know the PS2 or Emulator specs, so I just made allsorts of wild assumptions... Theoretically, if we wrote a program that was able to read the "emulator" program off the sd, and work with "virtual memory" for the "emulator" on the SD, it would be possible... albeit slow as hell... Basically we wouldn't port the PS2 emulator for the wii, we would port itby CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
Translation: Should the first argument (which is the path of the directory we want to read) be like "/tmp/test" or "/tmp/test/" (I want to list the test directory that is in tmp). I am not sure if I should include the final slash or not. My response: I am not sure which one. I advise trying both and see what works. translate.google.com if you need help translating our answers to your lby CloneDeath - Coding
Nonono! I wasn't like "challenging" him to argue about it, I meant, did he really want to distract from the topic of answering his question and change the thread to what it should be called. I prefer "Dynamic" because it contrasts with "Static", but I will admit that "Shared" is a better discriptor since "Dynamic" libraries never change :P on the other hand, "Static" libraries are also occasby CloneDeath - Coding
fyi, arrays are just pointers. Trust me, if you like arrays, then you will surely love pointers. The seperation of things into "layers" like that are nice, and could work. What you do is you have a singleton or global variable containing the "map" array. You don't have to make it global or a singleton, but if everyone can access it, it will be a lot easier than passing it back and forwby CloneDeath - Coding
Really, punto, you want to argue about this? -_- Anyhow, SHARED libraries are NOT supported either, to make things clear.by CloneDeath - Coding
If you can find the source code, just translate it to english :P Does source exist? If so, I might be able to do it for you, if it is small...by CloneDeath - Homebrew Applications
I just thought of an easier test, one that doesn't require coding. Play a SNES game like super mario world or Zombies ate my neighbors or something +Tear shed for those who have died, aka my old SNES carts+ In the game, when walking to the right (or some arbitrary direction) your character should alternate between moving and stopping, with no drop in framerate. Sorry, your problem iby CloneDeath - Homebrew Applications
That is a good question... if I knew how to move it I would o.O If you do know how to code, it will be a program that just printf's the button presses and the analog values on the classic controller. If you don't code, I will be able to do it later and have it done by 6 or 7 if time permits. Also, Arikado, I am about to look over the rules again, but just to make sure, Running Emuby CloneDeath - Homebrew Applications
In response to 4: back in the day, we used to (and still have) trouble figuring out which one is P1, P2, P3, etc. Pressing 1 and 2 wasn't a way to sync as much as it was a way to figure out which wiimote the player has in his hands. This became annoying, or we improved it, or something, and we are now able to figure out which one is P1 (most of the time) It sounds like the controller mayby CloneDeath - Homebrew Applications
64MB/2048 1/32 800mhz/2800 1/3 = 1/96 So it has about 1/96 of the power. I know that my calculations are aproximate, but it makes sense. First off, if we want to run the game, we are going to need room for the rom, the emulator, and the game to run in memory. Wii only has 64MB so we have to use "virtual memory" via an SD card. Standard SD is too small to hold all this (although myby CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
The unplug/plug back in method was for an older version of the homebrew channel (very weird bug that chaosteil became furious about, because he didn't understand that I didn't make the homebrew channel and it wasn't my fault). Anyways, enough about the past... 1) What do you mean "moves slugishly around the screen"? Which screen in particular? The wii system menu screen? 2)by CloneDeath - Homebrew Applications
I shall quote someone famous on this matter:... QuoteBenjamin Franklin...and here I say, that this here thread is for Homebrew, not... erm... piratebrew? Yes, Piratebrew! That is what I shall call it. Yarg! If I were to yarg (aka pirate) I would be a bit more discrete about it. ex: not say you are doing it. Warez advice removedby CloneDeath - The Junkyard
QuoteMattManSorry, I assumed it used libogc. Apparently not. If it doesn't use libogc, what does it use o.O? Did he custom write EVERYTHING? edit: fixed quote.by CloneDeath - Homebrew Applications
Nice XD why didn't I think of that? Ok, I will look into that. thanks! Are there any simple libraries or adresses the directly tie to the 4 leds on the bottom of the 4 wiimotes? If not, then I can live.by CloneDeath - Coding
Out of curiousity, is there a way like crayons "*_wiilight_reg" way to choose how bright it is? For bosses, me and my room mate thought it would be fun to sync the boss's HP with the light on the wii. If not, then I will have to look into whatever this dude is using~by CloneDeath - Coding
QuotezmanYouTube videos are not exactly a good way to check on quality. In my eyes, the emulators we have for the (S)NES are damn near perfect, and I switched from digging out my SNES once in a while to using my Wii plus homebrew emulator. No framerate issues at all (apart from those the game themselves have on the original system), and the picture looks exactly like on the real thing, only withby CloneDeath - Homebrew Applications
Well, I don't think Nintendo does o.O Too small of a memory and not enough good games to make it feasible. If I were Nintendo, I would just give them some static libraries to work with. Now Sony on the other hand.... But, no, I am 99% sure DLL's don't work, and they might actually make your game more encumbersome to the user. The general rule is, try to include as few files as pby CloneDeath - Coding
well, THEORETICALLY it could work. QuoteAdmanEven if it would start out running 2 FPS, it would still be a start. Too high, try 1 fps (max), and it wouldn't be as much as a start as it would be an end. :Pby CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
figured it out -_- so aparently "fatMountSimple("sd", &__io_wiisd);" just doesn't work o.O anyhow, here is the working code: #include #include #include #include #include #include "FileIO.h" namespace FileIO{ void InitFat(){ //__io_wiisd.startup(); //fatMountSimple("sd", &__io_wiisd); fatInitDefault(); //fatMountSimple("sd", &__io_wiisd); } voidby CloneDeath - Coding
Ack-- I had a feeling you were doing that -_-... well, that means you have to start from scratch and write some new functions! First off, I highly advise against storing them in an array and using their location in the array to hold their X,Y values. Instead of changing two values to represent the data, you are moving around whole chunks of memory just to represent two variables. I could go onby CloneDeath - Coding
That was it! My bad. I always confuse those two. Santa is from Finland, Chaosteil is from Lithuania! my bad~by CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
Arg, I keep getting a code dump I need help @_@ It compiles fine, and I included the lib. It works fine until I press A, then it just barfs all over my screen, with the whole DSI exception, Stack Dump, and Code Dump :P Here is the two functions that I use: #include #include #include #include #include #include "FileIO.h" namespace FileIO{ void InitFat(){ //__io_wby CloneDeath - Coding
@steaky1212: What are you currently using to draw? You can usually get the raw data of the image before you pass it to the screen to be drawn, unless you are drawing to the screen directly through your own methods... in that case... @_@by CloneDeath - Coding
Chaostiel believed in some serious flaws in the core of programming. He had no distrinction between relative, and global values. That is the main problem with libwiisprite, making views impossible. yes, I still have the source, and TD-Linux has all the stuff that makes it online. Basically, we all got mad at beardface and Chaostiel for being these crappy programmers and C++ snobs, and we juby CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
There are no standard library or any libraries at that which will do the work for him. The only routines I can think of would just load the image into a usable form. After that, he has to write his own interpreter for the data.by CloneDeath - Coding
I believe it was made with flash originally. Anyways, the game came out as an actual wii game, officially. It sucks :/by CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
I was working on GalaxyStations with a few guys. Then we got to a point where we could say "Hey, the game is pretty far, and we should be able to release a super early functioning alpha soon." So congradulations, it is almost there! Unfortunately, it will never actually BE there, because shortly after, he decided to start from scratch and make it for the PC and then port it to the wii. I amby CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
QuotePaavoAt their website you can order it to your "company" so... Check out. Where at nintendo's website can you do this? I can lie :Pby CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
I am like 99% sure the wii has nowhere near 2gig ram. But yeah, I could totally see nintendo deciding to have more ram than flash memory (Not sarcasm, just not a nintendo fan. There is too much disappointment with being a nintendo fan -_-... +cries+)by CloneDeath - Ideas, requests
Really? Dang, google supprised me again. I had no clue you could do that @_@ +Curses everyone who peer pressured me into making a gmail account+ I still have a yahoo e-mail, but it mostly sits there collecting spam and all my "we sent a confirmation e-mail" stuff. My fault, and thanks scanff for pointing that out, and kudos to google for allowing that.by CloneDeath - Ideas, requests