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Posted by SonicFan49 
Re: Wii64
February 19, 2009 03:01AM
Re: Wii64
February 20, 2009 03:57PM
ok... how does wii64 work... do i have to have a game disk or do the games come in the bundle?
Re: Wii64
February 20, 2009 04:02PM
ok... how does wii64 work... do i have to have a game disk or do the games come in the bundle?
Re: Wii64
February 20, 2009 04:23PM
i know i get them on my sd, and i dont know why, but i had an idiot flash and thought n64 games were disks... im an idiot... lol....

oh and how do i go about getting this wii64.. bcuz i got it from hackmii and i was just making sure thats not illegal before i install it... help me out

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/20/2009 04:26PM by XBXXX.
Re: Wii64
February 22, 2009 06:28AM
Wii64 is still in development, you'll have to wait to see a fully functional version. But you can download from [code.google.com] and read about the progress on emulatemii.com
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 04:47AM
i read in their official page that they were taking long to realease a new version because they wanna realease something thats worth waiting for
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 06:48AM
I know this, is the worst Emulator I've seen of all time. The fastest I've ever seen it go is 20 frames per second. C'mon the PSP can make n64 games run perfectly, why can't the Wii. I hope someone can make a faster emulator of this so I can play Conker's Bad Fur Day on mah widescreen TV!!!
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 06:58AM
I know this, is the worst Emulator I've seen of all time. The fastest I've ever seen it go is 20 frames per second. C'mon the PSP can make n64 games run perfectly, why can't the Wii. I hope someone can make a faster emulator of this so I can play Conker's Bad Fur Day on mah widescreen TV!!!
The PSP has had homebrew way longer than the Wii... It takes time to develop these things. Why don't you make a faster emulator?
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 11:44AM
C'mon the PSP can make n64 games run perfectly, why can't the Wii. I hope someone can make a faster emulator of this so I can play Conker's Bad Fur Day on mah widescreen TV!!!

well, not really, there are only a few games that are *really* playable on Daedalus PSP, see this compatibilty list, and most of them still run far too slow despite the huge optimization work done by the author.

oh, btw,you should consider that anything you get for free is already a gift... nobody owes you anything
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 12:43PM
Yup, Hey Havent You Done Some Emulators,? I Was Checking The Emulators List In Homebrew.Org Page The Other Day And I Saw Your Name Like Next To 2 Or 3 Emulators, Oh Yeah I Remember Now, You Maked That Sega Genesis Emulator! Yeah I Got It Today, It Runs Perfect, Nice Work And Thanks Alot Man, You Guys Are Incredible, I Could Never Ever Make An Emulator, I Just Checked The Site And It Says You Maked The Genesis Plus, Hugo-Wii And Sms Plus Emulators. Well I Just Wanted To Let You Know That We (Well Atleast I) Apreciate All The Things Yall Do.
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 02:55PM
Why all the capital letters?
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 03:13PM
For those who feel they can't wait until this emulator is ready you can buy a nintendo 64 with two controllers, memory expansion, and four or five games on ebay for about the price of a newly released wii game at wallmart.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2009 03:14PM by Manoau2002.
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 03:42PM
i dont know
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 09:53PM
A update, folks:

Log message from SVN about r474
Consilidated memory LUTs into one memory LUT which points to smaller
LUTs for read/write byte/hword/word/double. Saved substantial amount of
Re: Wii64
February 24, 2009 11:20PM
Thanks DanielHueho,

I re uped the file and direct linked it for those of you who do not like rapidshare:

Re: Wii64
February 25, 2009 03:18AM
thanks, hey what did they updated in this update
Re: Wii64
February 25, 2009 03:32AM
what did they updated in this update
Read DanielHuehos quoted log message.
Re: Wii64
February 25, 2009 03:32AM
thanks, hey what did they updated in this update
Did you read DanielHueho's post?
Log message from SVN about r474
Consilidated memory LUTs into one memory LUT which points to smaller
LUTs for read/write byte/hword/word/double. Saved substantial amount of
EDIT: ahhh Arikado beat me!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2009 03:32AM by bg4545.
Re: Wii64
February 25, 2009 05:04AM
Hmmm, really, if most people just read the log message, probably they won't get anything =P

This version has a more efficient memory management. I believe some bigger ROMS now will work better.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2009 05:08AM by DanielHueho.
Re: Wii64
February 25, 2009 05:08AM
Hmmm, really, if most people just read the log message, probably they won't get anything =P
This version have a more efficient memory management. I believe some bigger ROMS now will work better.
heh, I guess that's true...
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