Wait, an Idea, A Neat Use!!... Maintence mode, I've heard I've been it in. I know what it does, but something jumps out at me. QuoteDr. MarioX-All possible online communications have been blocked as well as the Wii Message Board completely SO know why it jumps at me, Is it blocked on the hardware level after booting? or is the hardware for it disabled during booting? Now, Dependinby NotAWiiHacker - Hardware
I have a wii, and an iPod nano 4th Gen 8gb...and I commenly plug it into my Wii to charge it.... It atempts to sync with my Wii on standby, but doesnt get there; it just charges. The wii will boot fine, with it,,but the hombre channel with Crash and go into "stach Dump' if you start the HB channel then plug my ipod in, you just get a black screen with a green falshing line? My computer attemby NotAWiiHacker - Homebrew General
Okay guys, GParted LiveCD didnt work..Completely...... Apon accuay geting LIve CD to run (Which took a day) I opened GParted to be told that my disk had errors on it, Preventing it from being shrunk any more. So I got on Windows and ran DskChk and what do you know, I had errors, So after it going trough my disk for about.... 5 Hours, It fixed it. Windows came up and I decided to see what Disk Manby NotAWiiHacker - Offtopic
Thanks guys. But nothing has worked. I need more ideas, please keep them coming, Unbuntu has NOT worked...by NotAWiiHacker - Offtopic
Well, I'm on Ubuntu, G parted wont Let me do anything to my C drive....by NotAWiiHacker - Offtopic
Trust me guys, I wouldnt Make a mistake such as trying to shrink a full partion... Out of my C Drvie which totals to 361GB I have 189GB free (with 171GB used) It used to have an Old back up of a computer on it, But I erased the back up. Im only lookinbg to skrink it 20GB or so. IVe alrdy shrunk it 941 MB, but it wont go any further. I want to KEEP the files on my C drive. I only have one Hardriveby NotAWiiHacker - Offtopic
Heres a Site to learn the basics of C++ (Not wii specific) Www.cplusplus.comby NotAWiiHacker - Offtopic
Hey guys! I want to install anthor copy Of Windows on my Computer. I know how to partion a Disk using the Disk Manager, but it wont allow me to shrink my C: Partion small enough to make anothr partion big enough for windows. I an only shrink it 908MB. Anyone got any tips on how to make it so I can shrink it a little more? (Like 20GB) Ive tried dissabling Page Files, but in vain. Any help!?!? Tby NotAWiiHacker - Offtopic
I have used Yellowstars Idea. But, do I have to purchase IDA Pro? And If so, How much is it?by NotAWiiHacker - Software
Arikado, Do I have to purchase IDA Pro? The demo Version wont work... Please post instructions!by NotAWiiHacker - Software
Have you seen some of there posts? They have Raw code from thinks (Such as .Dol files) and Im wondering if theres a way to do that witha Nand dumpby NotAWiiHacker - Software
1. Make sure your using good batteries 2. Make sure your remotes arent damaged 3. No you cant reflash a WiiRemote, I'm no hacker, but each WiiRemote probly has its own virtual serial num 4. Sell them, buy new onesby NotAWiiHacker - Hardware
You can remove the battey, Ive done it many times, All it is is to keep time on the Wii when its unpluged, Plus the saves are In FLASH memory so they arent lost.by NotAWiiHacker - Hardware
Beta tester Here! Will keeep in contact with my developers! Will look for bugs! Will test Games! Applications! Tools! PM me! NO NAND MODIFICATIONS!!by NotAWiiHacker - Testing Corner
So we've all heard about Bushings amazing work on the wii and team Twiizers and Twizzlers (forgive my spellings and great jobs) and they sometimes have a NAND Dump to work on and find holes in, but I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a NAND Dump readable? I've Tried a Hex Editor (and it in Binary mode) to no luck. So could anyone tell me how to do this to a NAND dump or if thereby NotAWiiHacker - Software