Hey all, I was wondering if someone here could help me with a minor code loading problem with Metroid Prime Trilogy (US). Every time I load the game with Gecko codes, I choose a Prime game to play and the game freezes. I even load with the GX-Flush hook like the USB Gecko Codes page says to do yet nothing works. I've read around that people have had this similar problem. I've been toldby ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
Well I downgraded my IOS35 and then Installed it. (It was part of some guide). Do I have to downgrade all of my IOS'?by ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
That WiiRD topic you linked to is what I linked to in my OP. I said it looked risky and such, and the moderator who edited my post removed it. I'm not sure what to do.by ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
Alright. I'll PM you about it later. Unless you want to post it in this topic later?by ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
So what should I do to get Channel Loading to work?by ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
No I do not. I'll install it before I do anything risky though. Go on if you would please. If this includes downgrading my firmware, or anything else that may render games/features of the Wii incompatible, then I may not do it. But please go on anyways.by ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
Could you guide me to doing that, or link me on how to do this safely. I don't want to break forum rules because I respect the community here. Anything you might suggest?by ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
Are you absolutely sure? The guide I linked to sure shows attitude towards it working on 4.0 Wiis.by ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
Hey all, I keep getting the "Error Getting Channel List" message on GeckoOS when trying to load channels through it. I've looked at one guide right here and it confuses me, and goes way out of the way of what I have installed on my Wii. My second problem is that GeckoOS sometimes does not recognize my codes for games like Brawl when I clearly have the appropriate .GCT set up in my codes foldby ayojoe13 - Homebrew Applications
QuoteArikadoQuoteayojoe13Am I in good luck that my Wii loads to a complete black screen? I really am afraid of bein caught. Well, I'm assuming they're going to turn on your Wii at least once after they fix it. But then again, this is Nintendo :P I'm just making sure but I highly doubt that anything will be recovered.by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
I just hope they don't find anything on my Wii. The lady said it would be 75 bucks plus 10 for shipping. I'm going to hate having to find saves for my games again. I want GeckoOS to restore my stuff in Animal Crossing and SSBB/MKWii. Restoring all my saves will be a pain. Am I in good luck that my Wii loads to a complete black screen? I really am afraid of bein caught.by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
QuoteKage52124Quoteayojoe13Yeah I heard it was Germany only. If my Wii was solid black screen without anything else upon start up, can they find anything at all. The NOA rep (whom I didn't confess my Homebrew acts to) said the blackscreen is broken beyond repair, and has to be replaced. Does he know what he's talking about or is he just dumb and it's possible to fix a black screen&by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Yeah I heard it was Germany only. If my Wii was solid black screen without anything else upon start up, can they find anything at all. The NOA rep (whom I didn't confess my Homebrew acts to) said the blackscreen is broken beyond repair, and has to be replaced. Does he know what he's talking about or is he just dumb and it's possible to fix a black screen'd Wii?by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Has there been any history of Nintendo overcharging if they find homebrew on your Wii?by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Well now my Wii's bricked. I deleted it the usual force way again, and try to redownload it on Virtual Console straight to an SD Card and it bricked by freezing. Should I send it to Nintendo or buy a SaveMii chip? It just has a black screen when you start it up.by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Could someone plz help?by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Couldn't I try to use AnyTitle Deleter to truly remove Zelda OOT off my Wii since it's corrupted? But would I lose my redownload rights towards it? Or would that be risky since the file doesn't delete normally itself?by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Anyone else that could give me suggestions on what to do?by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Recently I've been have minor problems with my Wii, and I was wondering what I should do, since I know there are a lot of smart and trustful people here. 1. First, WiiConnect24 Standby Connection freezes my Wii upon start up and requires me to unplug my Wii several times to have it work. My temp solution to that is just turning the WiiConnect24 (Standby) off, but I'm kind of disappoiby ayojoe13 - Getting Started
This could be a dumb question, but how do you make GeckoOS reload the System Menu w/out the preventions?by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Hey all, I've done some research but keep going in circles and I just want to quickly know, is there an app that extracts saves from the Wii that you can't normally do on the settings menu? Such as getting a SSBB/Mario Kart Save on my Wii without the need of Save Extractor and Twilight Hack?by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Alright thanks. What about WADs for 3.4? Is that being experimented or is there absolutely no way without downgrading? Is customizing your WAD (channel banner, channel data banner, save data picture, channel select sound) hard as well as installing it?by ayojoe13 - The Junkyard
I'm seemingly interested in WADs for N64 games since there's no perfect emulator for the hbc. Is it possible or being worked on for a workaround for WADs on 3.4U without downgrading to 3.2? Also, I know hard source code hacking would be involved, but is it possible for a WiiSpeak Loader app to use it while playing any game and chat with a friend? Like a whole friends list ID thing or coby ayojoe13 - The Junkyard
I know how to get Ocarina working and all. But the thing is I wanna get it working with Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. It seems the .TXT isn't pre installed into the pc app Wii Cheat Code Manager. I'm getting my codes from the USB Gecko page right here. How would I install an entire game and it's cheats to comply with the Wii Cheat Code Manager w/ Ocarina and input the codes correctlby ayojoe13 - Homebrew General
Not sure what the problem was but I just put some files from Wii64 on there and it read it, along with an SD Card change. Strange.by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
FINALLY. I got it to work. I appreciate your help deeply. Thanks a lot!by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
Alright I tried a new SD Card and still get the same problem. This just isn't fair. I guess I'll just wait until a new version of the Twilight Hack comes out that's updated and all.by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
I'm using Vista. I just think I'll use my sister's SD Card when she comes home. I'll try it out on that one and see what happens, because after searching google, some people have the same related problem and a switch of an SD Card usually works for them.by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
I read those dang pages both. Neither state what you should do in my case! I don't even know what to do anymore. I've been doing everything it says and it still won't work. I'm going to try one more time.by ayojoe13 - Getting Started
The private folder with the Twilight Hack, which is already installed onto my Wii. An empty apps folder, and a boot.elf file in the root of the SD Card. It still won't work.by ayojoe13 - Getting Started