Has anyone ever thought of an IRC client? You could connect to GeekShed or something like that.by technoman - Ideas, requests
Would USB, USB adapted or Gamecube adapted original controllers work with the nintendo emulators? I've wanted to try it rather than use the wiimote or gamecube controller.by technoman - Homebrew Applications
Has anybdy thought of putting R.O.B the Robot and Power Glove support in FCE. I know it's possible because I've used it in nestopia. The Power Glove could just be the wiimote.by technoman - Ideas, requests
i realize that, but i'm saying if u run project64k for instance would it run and would u be able to play on kaillera?by technoman - Homebrew Applications
QuotelinusEverything you need to know to cheat your ass off on FCE Ultra GX. Yeah that's great and all but it didn't work. I tried that before I posted.by technoman - Cheat Codes
Could u theoretically run a emulator with kaillera support (I want to use pj64k) through WiiVNC?by technoman - Homebrew Applications
Get GoodWindows and GoodSNES and test it. To me it sounds like you have a bad rom.by technoman - Homebrew Applications
Has anyone talked to the Project 64 team about porting to the Wii. It would be way better than that stupid Wii64 done by mupen. A large amount of games would be compatible and it wouldn't ******* freeze up every time!by technoman - Ideas, requests
Don't hack it and maybe it'll work! Besides that game isn't hard enough for a hack.by technoman - Homebrew Applications
well where do i put it then. I tried making my own "cheats" folder, a .cht file, and renaming the game genie and it still didn't work.by technoman - Homebrew Applications
I think there's a bug in fce ultra gx 3.2.3. Whenever I try to load the game genie it says (I'm sorry if this breaks the rules) "Game Genie ROM not found!" I've put it in every file and it still doesn't work. Now it won't even let me load my Contra .CHT file. If anybody knows how to fix it or if it's a bug please let me know.by technoman - Homebrew Applications
do u think this problem is a bug? because i could report it.by technoman - Cheat Codes
is the only way could you play kaillera through your pc via the Wiivnc app?by technoman - Ideas, requests
that's the one. forgot what it was calledby technoman - Ideas, requests
Has anyone ever tried to port or code a virtual boy emulator to wii. you could have classic red and blue 3D and 3D tv support.by technoman - Ideas, requests
They could probably put it through that Wiiconnect24 app on homebrew browser once it's finished.by technoman - Ideas, requests
I'll test new Nintendo emulators and media centers gmail is: cjp.technoman@gmail.comby technoman - Testing Corner
Does anyone know who to contact for homebrew testing. I would like to try it on the nintendo emus.by technoman - Offtopic
i hope this post won't get me banned. anyway has anyone ever thought of adding kaillera support to any of the Nintendo emus. might not be a bad idea.by technoman - Ideas, requests
that got me squat. is their an archive where u can dwnld old versions FCE instead? It might work that way.by technoman - Cheat Codes
I tried this and it still didn't work. do u know where u can find a contra .cht file for nes then? Zophar has nothing on it.by technoman - Cheat Codes
I have been using homebrew for several weeks now. I was going to use the game genie rom for Contra cheats and every time I try to load it, the thing says "Game Genie rom not found!". I'm just about ready to brick my Wii then bash it with a brick. Please help!by technoman - Cheat Codes