I am working on it too, for my wii linux distro and experience the same problem. Any new information will be greatly appreciated.by linuxlalala - Wii Linux
OK. The thread is closed for me :).by linuxlalala - Getting Started
Nope, I don't need any cIOS, I was just curious. Is there any logical explanation for this?by linuxlalala - Getting Started
Hello everyone, I have deleted every stub IOS on my wii, however when I launched zelda SS (Skyward Sword) and accepted the system update, the system restored them. Is there any logical explanation for this?by linuxlalala - Getting Started
You might want to patch your system with Priiloader and hacks.ini . From the priiloader "Hacks" Menu, choose to disable updates from disks. However, although the patching progress lasts a few seconds, if a power failure occurs, then you will brick your wii with almost no restoration chances (except if you have bootmii installed as boot2 and a NAND backup).by linuxlalala - FixMii
You are not alone :). Many people have the same problem. A good idea would be using eject dvd as chris pointed out. In case everything fails, check out this forum thread . It might help you.by linuxlalala - Hardware
When you press a button on the gamecube controller, do you see any symbols printed on-screen?by linuxlalala - Wii Linux
Log in with usename root and no password. I forgot it :).by linuxlalala - Wii Linux
I will be testing it! I was always waiting for a homebrew browser for the wii. Goodbye Opera!by linuxlalala - Testing Corner
Hello everyone, when I try to post a reply on the forums I get the following PHP error message: Quote Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/hbc-www/forum.wiibrew.org/mods/smtp_mail/swiftmailer/Swift.php on line 285 Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/hbc-www/forum.wiibrew.org/mods/smtp_mail/swiftmailer/Swift.php on line 285 Deprecated: Function split() is deby linuxlalala - Feedback & Support
First of all, you will need a custom toolchain. Secondly you'll need some patches for the mainline 2.X kernel. I don't think that that breaks the wiibrew forums rules, so you might want to check out my wii linux from scratch guide which can be found here .by linuxlalala - Wii Linux
Well, it is reported that some controlers with wii MotionPlus (TM) intergrated often won't work with the hackmii installer (this is the programm called by letterbomb to expoilt the wii). You might want to try the following: 1. Use a gamecube controller to controll the installer 2. Disconnect any additional controllers or add-ons (nunchuk, MotionPlus e.t.c, e.t.c) 3. Use an older controby linuxlalala - FixMii
Hello everyone! This is my first post :). Anyway, I have started porting cinux, a greek linux distribution made from scratch to the wii. All I have managed to get is console with no X11 and I need alpha testers. The filesystem tarball is made with the help of buildroot, a nice tool which allows you to create filesystem tarballs from scratch, by compilling code. If you want to download cinux foby linuxlalala - Wii Linux