Shouldnt the link on how to install warez be removed?by Wii_Manic - Getting Started
Code Downloader now works for me now thanks! OffTopic: Is it possible to run Gecko Cheats on WiiWare on the SD card? I dont think you can but thought i may aswell Wii_Manic - Homebrew Applications
Search PeterPanHacks on Youtube.... Got some serious hacks but only uses em to have fun.... also smart enough to never release Wii_Manic - Offtopic
Same but in code downloader the changelog says changed url to and this works if you are looking for the codes database and link to Wii_Manic - Getting Started
Can anyone help me with this? My wiimotes un sync when the scam warning screen appearers. I have no GC Controller. Wii_Manic - Getting Started
Im Using Some Codes For Animal Crossing PAL.... RUUP01 Animal Crossing Lets go to the City Max money in bank (I made the button activator) 206E4EC0 00006E00 42000000 90000000 04E27D3C 0098967F E0000000 80008000 max bells in bank 9,999,999 PRESS A + B + Z + C + 1 Max money in pocket (I made the button activator) 206E4EC0 00006E00 42000000 90000000 04E27D34 0098967by Wii_Manic - Getting Started
Yeah, You Only Need It For The Wii_Manic - Getting Started
Im Looking Foward To Monster Hunter 3!by Wii_Manic - Offtopic
Read The Reeely Big Red Letters At The Start Of The Wii_Manic - The Junkyard
You Should Have A folder Called apps in the Root of your SD. In there, you should have your diff app names as folders with the relative app files in there folders e.g boot.dol, meta.xml and the pic. Root Root/apps Root/apps/Gecko OS Root/apps/Gecko OS - boot.dol meta.xml icon.png Hope This Helpsby Wii_Manic - Getting Started
What About The New Channels (Check Mii Out ect...) Can I Get These Or Not? Will They Not Work Like The Nintendo Channel, Or Will I Simply Be Unable To Download Them... Thx In Advanceby Wii_Manic - Homebrew General
@Dr Mario: il try this out as soon as possible.... If not..... il have to find the nintendo Ips somehow..... Wonder if mii channel and the other thing are on the same IP? Quotestrongfan Also, can't you just tell your sibiling(s) to not update? I know little sisters can be annoying, but they can't be THAT evil! You would think but well..... She can get annoyed if im doing hombby Wii_Manic - Homebrew General
I Was just Wondering would it be possible to block the IP address of the Updates, through the router or so they couuldn't download and install. I have a sister and brother who go on the Wii as well and I Dont want them to delete my hombrew by just updating and erasing it all. They have already upgraded me to 3.3. Would It Be Possible. Thanks In Advanceby Wii_Manic - Homebrew General
When the hombrew channel is inctalled just hold down the power button unitl it goes red, You don't need a 2gb card I did it with 512mb Im not sure about the hombrew Wii_Manic - Homebrew Applications
Does anyone think this is possible? Because I have a DS and it does not like connecting to my wireless.(WPA-TKIP) If this was to come out, would it be possible for me to make the connection un-encrypted so that I can connect? Thx in Advanceby Wii_Manic - Homebrew Applications
If anyone is still having problems with there .elf files use the ELF to DOL Converter by Yossi. Half of my apps didn't work but know they do! Instructions on Page HEREby Wii_Manic - Homebrew Applications
When I load the homebrew channel, it comes up with loading from sd card then the screen flickers and takes me to a black screen with white writing saying a bunch of random numbers. At The bottom it Says " Code Dump" and More Numbers And Letters. At first I Thought it Ment Ocriana codes but since deleting them the error has continued. Can anybody help? Thanks In Advance! Edit: Don't Mby Wii_Manic - Homebrew General