3.4u wii with "System Files are corrupt" after health screen. Cause unknown. Booting into maintenance mode works. Able to reinstall system ios, but system menu installation hangs at "Installing content #09..." Have tried 3.4 and 4.1 with dop-ios-mod and wad install via NUS downloader. All result in "Installing content #09..." then hangs. Any ideas as to the cause? Guy claims he did nothiby mauifrog - FixMii
Sorry, I am not trying to link to any warez, just try to help fix an annoying problem. I removed the indirect link.by mauifrog - FixMii
Thanks for all the info and ideas, but in the end I had to throw in the towel.by mauifrog - Homebrew General
NSMB offers update, but it fails. System menu offers update, but it also fails.by mauifrog - Homebrew General
If they where to use dop ios mod to install a new ios36, which would be the best ios to run dop ios mod on? Should it be 36 or another?by mauifrog - Homebrew General
OK, so person # has been able to load Dop-Ios-mod, used ios36 I believe. He attempted to dop ios36, which failed with Install returned -1 Installation complete! Error: Something failed. (ret: -1) Continue? Are you sure you want to continue? Yes NO / Exit Pressed "Yes" and it returned to the previous Dop-IOS MOD v9 menu. He also tried to uninstall ios30-v2816.wad, decryped with keyby mauifrog - Homebrew General
Have tried to install ios30-v1040 with wadmanager using ios36 and others, receiving error 1012 and 1024 during install. Have tried to install other ios as well, but no luck, same result. Still trying to get dop ios mod to load.by mauifrog - Homebrew General
Thank you for your reply. I will have them try loadmii, as I believe they bannerbombed dop ios mod. So for apps that load- Hackmii installer loads but fails Signcheck loads Various versions of WM load TBR loads, but fails with error Wads downloaded form NUSD all fail during install, error 1012 and 1024 The godforsaken, unmentionable customized ios38 installer r14 fails with Install ERROR!by mauifrog - Homebrew General
I have been for the past week, trying to help two people recover from a failed soft-mod removal. The details of what they did are unclear, but it defiantly involves the deletion of unknown ios files, likely with any title deleter. I apologize for my limited description, but I am doing my best to avoid breaking any of the forum rules. I have been providing advise on the forum that probably must reby mauifrog - Homebrew General