Please stop removing my quotes of As fare as I know, all apps found under the application section are supported by wiibrew. If not perhaps it should be removed from wiibrew. Any region changer is a brick waiting to happen, you should not tell people to use it. The needs to use the any region changer that installs 4.1, not 3.2. 3.2 will brick many wiis. Also any region changer does nby mauifrog - FixMii
You need to use this wiibrew supported version on any region changer Don't do that. We don't support any programs that patch IOSes. --bg4545by mauifrog - FixMii
Quotebg4545QuotemauifrogBBv2 = bannerbomb v2 Compatible with 4.0-4.2 SM BB v1 will also work That's irrelevant. His problem doesn't have anything to do with software. His Wii remote is upside-down, not the HBC. Read the topic before you start suggesting stuff.I read the topic without issue, thanks. And your quote of be is very much relevant, it is in response to the OP last post. I doby mauifrog - FixMii
BBv2 = bannerbomb v2 Compatible with 4.0-4.2 SM BB v1 will also workby mauifrog - FixMii
Best way to remove traces of HBC and send to Nintendo for repair is to kill it- fully brick mauifrog - FixMii
Smells like something gx or usb, or something I can't mauifrog - FixMii
Quotebg4545Quoteken1121Goto 4.1, goto 4.1... It's da best!!! No it's not. That's your opinion. There's no need for your post. 4.1 is da best- second- supports bannerbomb 1, supports bannerbomb2, supports region free games- what exactly would you not like about 4.1. 4.2/4.3 just suck, simple fact. OP- when you use Any Region Changer, you need to use , which supports the "aby mauifrog - FixMii
Send your wii to- Deadlyfoez Bad-Ad84 streamlinehd krank erikie + your bootmii nand.bin and key.bin They can fix it for about $60 with shipping included. If you did not make a bootmii nand backup, your wii is trash. Fix it under warranty if you can. Your warranty is void, but no one knows but you. By the way, for all those reading, this is why we install priiloader with a patchedby mauifrog - FixMii
If you have not gotten it sorted, try to uninstall the HBC via Hackmii installer, uninstall ios58 via dop-mii. Then reinstall ios58 via dop-mii and reinstall the HBC via hackmii via BB mauifrog - FixMii
Smash stack crashes the stage builder when loaded on the wrong region game, pus he would have to edit the the stage Id to get ssbb to detect it. I think his method of extraction or possibly transfer is corrupting the hackmii elf mauifrog - Homebrew General
In that case, the OP should waist some more time by running the SD formater again, changing the setting from quick to full format. The download the hackmii installer again and extract directly to SD:/ with 7-zip. The OP could also waist his time trying over and over until he dies of old age, whichever he enjoys waisting his time on best. I imagine he will enjoy installing hackmii mauifrog - Homebrew General
So whats the problem? I would try the mauifrog - Homebrew General
Format the card with this- SD Formatter 2.0by mauifrog - Homebrew General
All error 003 wiis are fixable with smash stack pal, 4.2/4.3u/j/eby mauifrog - Homebrew General
Wiibrew is lame Dopmii rocks, and many others I can't believe this site removed it and others I will never visit this lame site again Get a mauifrog - The Junkyard
Just extract to sd:\ Hold reset and boot the wii, click hack and enable what you need- like update mauifrog - FixMii
Update: One of these wiis still had bootmii ios installed. Bootmii was able to load via bannerbomb and bootmii booter, the nand formater fixed the issue. So whatever the issue is, it is not hardware related. Unfortunately every other wii like this I have found had removed bootmii. It is a risky fix, but seems to be the only solution. Do you think someone could determine the cause from examininby mauifrog - Homebrew General
When you power on the wii with disk and sd card removed- does the blue led drive light flash 1 or 2 times?by mauifrog - FixMii
Only if they have a nand programmer, or a cheap mauifrog - FixMii
Yes that is bad, you can't fix it with out a nand programmer (infects). You installed SM 4.1, with ios60-v6400 installed. This ios60 is a stub and needed to be removed. Very very common way to brick the wii. The guide you followed was either crap, or you did not read it well enough (crap).by mauifrog - FixMii
You didn't downgrade from 4.2 to 3.2, then brick it installing 4.1 did you?by mauifrog - FixMii
He is not on 4.2, he took a disk update. His settings are Korean and his system menu is U/E/J. This is just a normal out of region disk update- semi brick, but it is worse when done on the Korean mauifrog - FixMii
This can happen when you install a U/E/J system menu update onto a Korean wii. The U/E/J system menu can not load the korean key (or something like that) The only way to fix it is to boot into AnyRegion Changer and fix the settings. This would require mods that are not covered on this site, so I can't help much here. Also, Korean Animal Crossing City Folk has a 4.2k update- this wouldby mauifrog - FixMii
Extract this boot.dol to sd:\ Load preloader, click install/load Install the hbc loader Goto preloader settings, set autoboot/return to installed file, save reboot the wii, hbc should start, load dop-mii from hbcby mauifrog - FixMii
You must not have patched ios70 perhaps, I think preloader requires this- priiloader does not. Your dols don#t show because preloader can only see sd card, and the dol must be on sd:\by mauifrog - FixMii
bb1 bb2 abd6a_v200.zipby mauifrog - Homebrew General
I bet you are on 3.4, preloader does not support 3.4 (and some others). You need to download the boot.dol of dop-mii v12 to sd:\ Download priiloader v0.4 to sd:\apps Load preloader Click load/install Load dop-mii Select ios36 or ios249, press A select ios, mios, bc- press A Install ios60-v6174, apply patches You can install from NUS if online For offline install use NUS downloaderby mauifrog - FixMii
You should install bootmii as boot2. If boot2 is not an option, install as ios- be sure to make a nand backup from boot2. You should install priiloader, and enable block disk and online updates. It is also good to install Indiana PWNS and patch your system ios. Other than common sense, there is not much else you can do. Don't uninstall ios, or your system mauifrog - The Junkyard